Article : [ART304]
Titre : T. LEQUEU, D. MAGNON, G. KALVELAGE, P. AUBIN, Study and application of an innovating structure of converter: SPARC - Serial and Parallel Auto Regulated Configuration, APEC'2003, Miami, Floride, 9-13 February 2003.
Cité dans : [DIV347] APEC'2003, 18th Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, February 9-13, 2003, Miami Beach, Florida. Cité dans : [DATA033] Liste des publications de Thierry LEQUEU et activités de recherche, octobre 2022. Cité dans : [DIV448] Recherche sur l'auteur Phillipe AUBIN, septembre 2004.Auteur : Thierry LEQUEU - (a)
Adresse : (a) LMP-EIT, 7 avenue Marcel Dassault - 37 200 TOURS - FRANCE.
Adresse : (b) Faiveley Transport - BP 43 Rue Amélia Earhart - 37 700 LA VILLE AUX DAMES.
Lien :
Source : APEC'2003, Miami, Floride.
Date : du 9 au 13 février 2003
Session : 25
Papier : 3
Lien : private/LEQUEU01.pdf - 352 Ko, 7 pages.
Vers : Bibliographie
Abstract :
The patentees of the SPARC patent, from FAIVELEY Transport company, propose a new structure of insulated converter. Two converters, one at the input side and a second one at the output side, allow to combine several transformers in series (for high voltage) and/or in parallel (for high current). The converters used have a "ladder" structure, thus distributing the voltage and/or the current in the switches. A particular control mode ensures an alternating voltage at the transformer terminals. Indeed a circular shift of the switches' control orders leads to various kinds of commutations, such as a hard-switching with voltage and current divided by two: the commutation losses will therefore be reduced by a factor of 4. The interlacing of the switches' controls removes the discontinuities in the input and output electric signals, which present a weak ripple signal at high frequency, reducing the size of the associated filters.
The principle of operation is illustrated together with steady state analysis. Moreover, the effectiveness of the proposed converter topology is verified by implementing a 5 kW - 20 kHz breadboard using IGBTs and fast recovery diodes.
Bibliographie | ![]() |
[1] : [DIV320] G. KALVELAGE, P. AUBIN, Brevet SPARC - Convertisseur d'énergie, N° 02290258.9 du 4 février 2002. [2] : [ART165] P. AUBIN, G. KALVELAGE, T. LEQUEU, B. KHELIF, D. MAGNON, Une structure de convertisseur innovante : SPARC - Serial and Parallel Auto Regulated Configuration, EPF'2002, Montpellier, France. [3] : [ART184] B. KHELIF, Y. OULD KHARCHI, T. LEQUEU, D. MAGNON, P. AUBIN, G. KALVELAGE, Application de la nouvelle topologie S.P.A.R.C. - Exemple d'un convertisseur DC/DC, EPF'2002, Montpellier, France. [4] : [PAP104] [D3152], Electronique de puissance - Principes fondamentaux - Éléments constitutifs et synthèse des convertisseurs statiques, H. FOCH et al., Techniques de l'Ingénieur, 1989. [5] : [LIVRE260] Y. CHERON, T. MEYNARD, C. GOODMAN, Soft commutation, Chapman & Hall, London, UK, 1992, 233 pages. [6] : [LIVRE247] C.W.T. McLYMAN, Transformer and Inductor Design Handbook, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1978, 428 p. Revised 2nd Edition, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1988. 432p.
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