Livre : [LIVRE247]
Titre : C.W.T. McLYMAN, Transformer and Inductor Design Handbook, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1978, 428 p. Revised 2nd Edition, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1988. 432p.
Cité dans :[LIVRE248] C.W.T. McLYMAN, Magnetic Core Selection for Transformers and Inductors, Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1982. Cité dans :[LIVRE249] C.W.T. McLYMAN, Designing Magnetic Components for High Frequency DC-DC Converters, KG Magnetics, San Marino, CA, 1993. 433p., 146 figures, 32 tables. Cité dans :[LIVRE250] C.W.T. McLYMAN, Magnetic core selection for transformers and inductors: a user's guide to practice ans specifications (2nd ed.) , Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1997. Cité dans : [DIV143] T. LEQUEU, Informations diverses sur les ferrites et les circuits magnétiques, septembre 2001.Auteur : Colonel Wm. T. McLyman - Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Stockage : Bibliothèque LMP
Référence : 2001 - xx / LMP
Date_d'achat : 17 avril 2001
Prix_HT : 739.03 F
Fiche : LMP2001-09d
Site :
Site :
Adresse : Marcel Dekker, Inc. - 270 Madison Avenue - New York, NY 10016-0602
Tel. : (212) 696-9000
Fax. : (212) 685-4540
Series : Electrical Engineering and Electronics
Volume : 49 - 06/09/1988 - 7th printing
Pages : 1 - 432
ISBN : 0-8247-7828-6
Info :
Colonel McLyman is responsible for design review of all magnetics used in NASA's unmanned space program.
He has developed a uniform method of design that extends the fourth dimensional AcWa product normally used in magnetic
design to a fifth dimensional Kg geometry factor that is a function of core area Ac, window area Wa, and mean magnetic
length turn MLT, that allows optimum design without iterative cut-and-try procedures.
Through books, papers, seminars, and core vendors providing Kg data, the method has become widely known and used and some
familiarity with this method is useful even if other design methods are used. The books provide a cook book design procedure
for magnetic design using the method. Computer programs are available to implement to method. Topics include magnetic
materials selection for static inverters and converter transformers, transformer design tradeoffs, power supply transformer
design, simplified cut core inductor design, toroidal powder core selection with dc current, window utilization factor,
transformer-inductor efficiency and regulation and temperature rise, inductor design with no dc flux, current transformer
design, and magnetic component test circuits.
Press_reviews :
"One of the best books on the subject." - Electro-Technology
"A great deal of additional information is also given in graph and tabular form, which provide a quick and easy reference source." - The Institute of Engineers and Technicians Journal
Description :
This useful Second Edition gives an in-depth look at how the core geometry Kg approach affects power transformation
regulation capability, transformer design, inductor energy-handling capability, gapped inductor design, and toroidal
inductor design.
Contents :
Fundamentals of Magnetics and the Selection of Materials for Static Inverter and ConverterTransformers
Transformer Design Tradeoffs
Power Transformer Design
Simplified Cut Core Inductor Design
Toroidal Powder Core Selection With DC Current
Window Utilization Factor KU
Transformer-Inductor Efficiency, Regulation, and Temperature Rise
Inductor Design With No DC Flux
Constant-Voltage Transformer Design
Current Transformer Design
Three-Phase Transformer Design
Magnetic Component Test Circuits
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