Article : [ART305]
Titre : K. CROES, Error Calculation During Reliability Experiments, Tutorial 4, ESREF'2002, Rimini, Italie, October 7-11, 2002.
Cité dans : [DIV312] ESREF'2002, 13th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis, du 7 au 11 octobre 2002, Bellaria, Rimini, Italie. Cité dans : [DIV366] Recherche sur l'auteur Kristof CROES, octobre 2002.Auteur : K. Croes (XPEOT, Tessenderlo, Belgium)
Source : Tutorial 4, ESREF'2002, Rimini, Italie, October 7-11, 2002.
Stockage : une copie des transparents est disponible chez Thierry LEQUEU.
Abstract :
The idea of this tutorial is that the audience will get a feeling of everything that CAN go wrong during a reliability analysis. The learner will be told what the influence of any potential error can be on the predicted lifetime. Also, the learner will be instructed on how to overcome such errors. Last but not least, the tutorial will propose techniques for calculating the errors and for checking the correctness of the chosen lifetime models.
One crucial conclusion of this tutorial is that it is important to keep the errors on the predicted lifetimes as small as possible. Nevertheless, this is not enough. It is also very important ALWAYS to perform error calculations in order to KNOW THE ERRORS that have been made.
[1] : [THESE126] K. CROES, Statistical techniques for planning type I singly censored reliability experiments with two stress factors, Phd Thesis, Limburg University Center, 1999.
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