Article : [SHEET267]
Titre : H. AKAGI, The State-of -the-Art of Power Electronics in Japan, IEEE Trans. on Power Electr., vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 345-356, March 1998.
Cité dans :[SHEET196]Auteur : Akagi, H - Dept. of Electr. Eng., Okayama Univ., Japan
Lien : SHEET196.HTM#Bibliographie - référence [4]
Source : Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on
Pages : 345 - 356
Date : March 1998
Volume : 13, Issue: 2
ISSN : 0885-8993
Info : Hirofumi Akagi (M’87-SM’94-F’96), for a photograph and biography, see this issue, p. 322.
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/AKAGI.pdf - 285 Ko, 12 pages.
Abstract :
Since the late 1950s, power electronics has been developing by
leaps and bounds without saturation to become the key technology
essential to modern society and human life as well as to
electrical engineering. This paper mainly focuses on the
state-of-the-art of power electronics technology and its medium
to high-power applications because the author cannot survey the
whole spectrum of power electronics ranging from a 5 W switching
regulator to a 2.8 GW high-voltage DC transmission system now
under construction in Japan. This paper also presents prospects
and directions of power electronics in the 21st Century,
including the personal views and expectations of the author.
Subjet_terms :
power electronics; power electronics; state-of-the-art; Japan;
technological developments; medium-power applications; high-power
Accession_Number : 5874320
With significant progress in the development of IGBT’s,
MOSFET’s and SI transistors (SIT’s), high-power resonant
inverters in a frequency range of 20 kHz to 2 MHz have been,
or are being, put into practical use for induction heating and
corona discharge treatment processes. There are two types of
circuit configurations in the resonant inverters based on zero-voltage-
switching (ZVS) and/or zero-current-switching (ZCS)
1) current-source parallel-resonant inverters;
2) voltage-source series-resonant inverters.
For instance, 200-kHz 200-kW current-source parallel-resonant
inverters using SIT’s have been employed for surface
quenching in the automobile industry, and 350-kHz 600-kW
voltage-source series-resonant inverters using MOSFET’s are
now available for tube welding [11]. A 2-MHz 10-kW voltage-source
series-resonant inverter using MOSFET’s is under
development for low-temperature plasma heating. Moreover,
20/50-kHz 1/40-kW voltage-source series-resonant inverters
using IGBT’s have been integrated into corona discharge
treaters for film. As an example, this section describes a
450-kHz 4-kW induction melting system for a dental casting
machine [12].
The author would like to thank Prof. J. G. Kassakian of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
for his suggestions and English-language editing.
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