"Dissolution rates and reliability effects of Au, Ag, Ni and Cu in lead base solders (power transistor die bonding)", 1973.
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Article : [ART208]

Info : REPONSE 152, le 06/05/2002.

Titre : Dissolution rates and reliability effects of Au, Ag, Ni and Cu in lead base solders (power transistor die bonding), 1973.

Cité dans : [DIV334]  Recherche sur les mots clés power cycling of power device, mai 2002.
Auteur : Berg, H.
Auteur : Hall, E.L. (Motorola Inc., Phoenix, AZ, USA)

Source : Proceedings of the 11th Annual Reliability Physics Conference 1973 New York, NY, USA: IEEE, 1973. p.10-20 of vii+318 pp. 9 refs.
Conference : Las Vegas, NV, USA.
Date : 3-5 April 1973
Sponsor(s) : IEEE
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : Experimental
Info : Country of Publication : United States
Language : English
Stockage :
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Abstract :
The rates at which Au, Ag, Cu, and Ni wires dissolved in 95wt%Pb-5%Sn
and 92.5wt%Pb-5%In-2.5%Ag soft solders were measured between 360 and 500
degrees C. The rates have an Arrhenius behavior with temperature and for
both solders nickel has the lowest dissolution rate while gold has the
highest. Small amounts of Au and Ag, purposely added to 95wt%Pb-5%Sn die
bonds in test power transistors, were found to deleteriously affect the
fatigue resistance of the solder as measured during power cycling.
Analysis of fracture surfaces and cross sections indicated that most of
the gold forms tin intermetallics at the die-solder interface while the
silver dissolved into the moten solder.

Accession_Number : 1974:601344 INSPEC

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