 Registration Information

A full registration fee includes: plenary, poster and oral sessions, one copy of the proceedings on CD ROM, a proceeding comprising all abstracts, break refreshments, lunches, welcome reception, awards luncheon and gala dinner. A student regis-tration fee includes the same items. Registration fees do not include: a hard copy of the proceedings, transportation expenses or hotel accommodations.

Registration Fees:

All PESC'04 authors must register and pay a full registration fee for a paper (e.g. 590 Euro for In Advance Members). If an author has more than one paper, an additional fee (250 Euro) has to be paid for each ad-ditional paper. This fee is equivalent to the registration fee for a student member. This rule also applies if the second paper is presented by a student. In this case, a total of 500 Euro (250 Euro for the second paper, 250 Euro for the student member registration) has to be paid. However, if a student is the only author of a paper, the full fee (e.g. 590 Euro) applies.

In Advance Members (before May 1st) 590,- Euro
In Advance Non-member (before May 1st) 790,- Euro
At Conference Member 690,- Euro
At Conference Non-member 950,- Euro
Student Member 250,- Euro
Student Non-member 300,- Euro
Tutorial Fees 200,- Euro

Since PESC04 (IEEE) is jointly organised with CIPS (VDE), Members are either IEEE or VDE members.


Cancellation before April 30th
75% refund
Cancellation before May 20th 50% refund
Cancellation before June 20th 25% refund
otherwise (during or after PESC04) no refund

Registration Opening:

Registration (online, by mail or by fax) will open in January 2004. No phone registrations will be accepted. You can pay by international bank transfer or credit card. If paying by bank transfer you must include your name on the transfer and enclose a copy of the transfer with your registration form. Conference registration cannot be confirmed until payment is received.

Advance Registration:

Author registration fees must be received together with the upload of the final paper. Non-authors must register by May 1st, 2004 to qualify for advance registration fees. Registrations received after that date will be processed at the on-site-rate.