Article : [SHEET287]
Titre : C.M. JOHNSON, A.A. JAECKLIN, R.P. PALMER, Correlation between local segment characteristics and dynamic current redistribution in GTO power thyristors, IEEE Trans.on El. Dev., vo1.41, No.5, 1994, pp. 793-799.
Cité dans :[SHEET155]Auteur : Johnson C.M.
Lien : SHEET155.HTM#Bibliographie - référence [17]
Source : Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on
Pages : 793 - 799
Date : May 1994
Volume : 41 Issue: 5
ISSN : 0018-9383
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/JOHNSON1.pdf - 288 Ko, 7 pages.
Abstract :
The peak commutatable current of a typical GTO thyristor is
limited by the redistribution of anode current occurring during
the turnoff transient. This behavior is investigated in
practical, large area GTO's (600 A, 1600 V) by comparing the
static and dynamic characteristics of the individual device
segments with turnoff current density estimates for the complete
device. Critical quantities (reverse gate-cathode breakdown
voltage, forward on-state voltage and storage time) are mapped
using an automatic probing system while the current density
estimates are obtained using a recently developed magnetic field
measurement technique. Good correlation is found between the
current density peaks, the segment measurements and variations in
the mesa etching depth across the processed wafer. In addition,
conditions are established which relate the distribution of
current density peaks and segment characteristics to the
realization of a near-perfect GTO technology. Finally, the
behavior of the current density distribution during the current
fall and early tail period is related to the onset of
filamentation and subsequent device failure.<>
Subjet_terms :
thyristors; power electronics; current density; local segment
characteristics; dynamic current redistribution; GTO power
thyristors; peak commutatable current; anode current; turnoff
transient; large area GTO; static characteristics; dynamic
characteristics; turnoff current density; reverse gate-cathode
breakdown voltage; forward on-state voltage; storage time;
automatic probing system; magnetic field measurement technique;
mesa etching depth; current density distribution; filamentation;
device failure; gate turnoff device; 600 A; 1600 V
Accession_Number : 4708299
References : 12
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