Article : [SHEET006]
Titre : D. WESTERHOLT,G. SCHMIDT, H.-J. SCHULZE, Power Capability and Reliability of High Power Semiconductors, PCIM-Conference 1999, Nuremberg, 5 pages.
Cité dans : [DATA002] EUPEC, Eupec's Homepage & Editorials, octobre 2003.Auteurs :
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Info : (first given on the PCIM-Conference 1999, Nuremberg), 5 refs.
Lien : private/Schmidt.pdf - 5 pages, 88 Ko.
Abstract :
High power bipolar semiconductors like thyristors and diodes are used
in energy applications, high power traction applications, medium
voltage drives, high current converters e.g. for electrochemical
applications and pulse power applications. These semiconductor
devices with wafer diameters up to 5 inch and with blocking
capabilities up to 9 kV are almost exclusive in disc type cases
Références : 5
/1/ H. Schwarzbauer and R. Kuhnert, IEEE Trans. on Ind. Appl., Vol. 27, No. 1 (1991)
/2/ H.-J. Schulze, ECS Proc. Vol. 96-13
/3/ H.-J. Schulze and B.O. Kolbesen, Solid-State Electr., Vol 42, No. 12, 1998, pp. 2187-2197
/4/ R. Barthelmeß et al., ISPSD 1998
/5/ J. Pelka, Ph. D Thesis, TU Berlin (1983)
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