Revue : [REVUE392]
Titre : IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 49, Issue 5, October 2002.
Cité dans : [DIV369] Les revues IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, novembre 2005.
Volume : 49
Issue : 5
Date : October 2002
Guest Editorial
Rodriguez, J.
Page(s): 946- 947
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (155)]
Enhancing the reliability of modular medium-voltage drives
Hammond, P.W.
Page(s): 948- 954
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (323)]
[1] : [ART373] R.W. HAMMOND, Enhancing the reliability of modular medium-voltage drives, 2002.
Multicell converters: basic concepts and industry applications
Meynard, T.A.; Foch, H.; Thomas, P.; Courault, J.; Jakob, R.; Nahrstaedt, M.
Page(s): 955- 964
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (427)]
[1] : [ART376] T.A. MEYNARD, H. FOCH, P. THOMAS, J. COURAULT, R. JAKOB, M. NAHRSTAEDT, Multicell Converters: Basic Concepts and Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 5, October 2002, pp. 955-964.
Use of extra degrees of freedom in multilevel drives
BenAbdelghani, A.; Martins, C.A.; Roboam, X.; Meynard, T.A.
Page(s): 965- 977
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (549)]
[1] : [ART393] Use of extra degrees of freedom in multilevel drives
Multicell converters: derived topologies
Meynard, T.A.; Foch, H.; Forest, F.; Turpin, C.; Richardeau, F.; Delmas, L.; Gateau, G.; Lefeuvre, E.
Page(s): 978- 987
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (412)]
[1] : [ART370] T.A. MEYNARD, H. FOCH, F. FOREST, C. TURPIN, F. RICHARDEAU, L. DELMAS, G. GATEAU, E. LEFEUVRE, Multicell Converters: Derived Topologies, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 5, October 2002, pp. 978-987.
Fault management of multicell converters
Turpin, C.; Baudesson, P.; Richardeau, F.; Forest, F.; Meynard, T.A.
Page(s): 988- 997
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (471)]
[1] : [ART379] C. TURPIN, P. BAUDESSON, F. RICHARDEAU, F. FOREST, T.A. MEYNARD, Fault management of multicell converters, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 5, October 2002, pp. 988-997.
Multicell converters: active control and observation of flying-capacitor voltages
Gateau, G.; Fadel, M.; Maussion, P.; Bensaid, R.; Meynard, T.A.
Page(s): 998- 1008
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (435)]
[1] : [ART372] G. GATEAU, M. FADEL, P. MAUSSION, R. BENSAID, T.A. MEYNARD, Multicell converters: active control and observation of flying-capacitor voltages, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 5, October 2002, pp. 998-1008.
Multilevel voltage-source duty-cycle modulation: analysis and implementation
Corzine, K.A.; Baker, J.R.
Page(s): 1009- 1016
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (282)]
[1] : [ART371] K.A. CORZINE, J.R. BAKER, Multilevel voltage-source duty-cycle modulation: analysis and implementation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 5, October 2002, pp. 1009-1016
Natural balancing of three-level neutral-point-clamped PWM inverters
du Toit Mouton, H.
Page(s): 1017- 1025
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (327)]
New feedforward space-vector PWM method to obtain balanced AC output voltages in a three-level neutral-point-clamped converter
Pou, J.; Boroyevich, D.; Pindado, R.
Page(s): 1026- 1034
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (415)]
Reciprocity-transposition-based sinusoidal pulsewidth modulation for diode-clamped multilevel converters
Venkataramanan, G.; Bendre, A.
Page(s): 1035- 1047
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (424)]
A novel multicell DC-AC converter for applications in renewable energy systems
Ertl, H.; Kolar, J.W.; Zach, F.C.
Page(s): 1048- 1057
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (368)]
[1] : [ART374] H. ERTL, J.W. KOLAR, F.C. ZACH, A novel multicell DC-AC converter for applications in renewable energy systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 5, October 2002, pp. 1048-1057.
Charge balance control schemes for cascade multilevel converter in hybrid electric vehicles
Tolbert, L.A.; Fang Zheng Peng; Cunnyngham, T.; Chiasson, J.N.
Page(s): 1058- 1064
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (290)]
Direct self control with minimum torque ripple and high dynamics for a double three-level GTO inverter drive
Janssen, M.; Steimel, A.
Page(s): 1065- 1071
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (286)]
A comparison of high-power converter topologies for the implementation of FACTS controllers
Soto, D.; Green, T.C.
Page(s): 1072- 1080
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (273)]
[1] : [ART412] D. SOTO, T.C. GREEN, A Comparison of High-Power Converter Topologies for the Implementation of FACTS Controllers, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 5, October 2002, pp. 1072-1080.
High dynamic control of a three-level voltage-source-converter drive for a main strip mill
Bocker, J.; Janning, J.; Jebenstreit, H.
Page(s): 1081- 1092
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (432)]
Novel 20-MW downhill conveyor system using three-level converters
Rodriguez, J.; Pontt, J.; Alzarnora, G.; Becker, N.; Einenkel, O.; Weinstein, A.
Page(s): 1093- 1100
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (312)]
Digital stochastic realization of complex analog controllers
Marin, S.L.T.; Reboul, J.M.Q.; Franquelo, L.G.
Page(s): 1101- 1109
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (282)]
Novel line conditioner with voltage up/down capability
Bong-Hwan Kwon; Gang-Youl Jeong; Sung-Hoon Han; Duk-Ho Lee
Page(s): 1110- 1119
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (338)]
A ZVZCS PWM FB DC/DC converter using a modified energy-recovery snubber
Eun-Soo Kim; Yoon-Ho Kim
Page(s): 1120- 1127
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (387)]
On evaluating the current distortion of the single-phase switch-mode rectifiers with current slope maps
Yu-Kang Lo; Sheng-Yuan Ou; Huang-Jen Chiu
Page(s): 1128- 1137
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (393)]
Robust stability analysis for current-programmed regulators
Leyva-Ramos, J.; Morales-Saldana, J.A.; Martinez-Cruz, M.
Page(s): 1138- 1145
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (315)]
Digital power-factor correction for a capacitor-charging power supply
Newsom, R.L.; Dillard, W.C.; Nelms, R.M.
Page(s): 1146- 1153
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (279)]
A high-torque low-speed multiphase brushless machine-a perspective application for electric vehicles
Simoes, M.G.; Vieira, P., Jr.
Page(s): 1154- 1164
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (438)]
Schedulability analysis of real-time traffic in WorldFIP networks: an integrated approach
Almeida, L.; Tovar, E.; Fonseca, J.A.G.; Vasques, F.
Page(s): 1165- 1174
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (308)]
Analysis and elimination of voltage imbalance between the split capacitors in half-bridge boost rectifiers
Yu-Kang Lo; Tzu-Herng Song; Huang-Jen Chiu
Page(s): 1175- 1177
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (239)]
Design and implementation of a new sliding-mode observer for speed-sensorless control of induction machine
Derdiyok, A.; Guven, M.K.; Rehman, H.; Inanc, N.; Longya Xu
Page(s): 1177- 1182
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (388)]
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