Revue : [REVUE393]
Titre : IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 49, Issue 6, December 2002.
Cité dans : [DIV369] Les revues IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, novembre 2005.
Volume : 49
Issue : 6
Date : December 2002
Guest editorial
Zurawski, R.
Page(s): 1186- 1188
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text ()]
The FTT-CAN protocol: why and how
Almeida, L.; Pedreiras, P.; Fonseca, J.A.G.
Page(s): 1189- 1201
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (505)]
Achieving round-robin access in controller area networks
Cena, G.; Valenzano, A.
Page(s): 1202- 1213
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (502)]
Design and analysis of RT-Ring: a protocol for supporting real-time communications
Conti, M.; Donatiello, L.; Furini, M.
Page(s): 1214- 1226
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (503)]
A multistage hierarchical distributed arbitration technique for
priority-based real-time communication systems
Cena, G.; Valenzano, A.
Page(s): 1227- 1239
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (620)]
Integrating reliability and timing analysis of CAN-based systems
Hansson, H.A.; Nolte, T.; Norstrom, C.; Punnekkat, S.
Page(s): 1240- 1250
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (561)]
Analysis and simulation methods for performance evaluation of a
multiple networked embedded architecture
Castelpietra, P.; Ye-Qiong Song; Simonot-Lion, F.; Attia, M.
Page(s): 1251- 1264
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (1616)]
Measurements of a wireless link in an industrial environment using
an IEEE 802.11-compliant physical layer
Willig, A.; Kubisch, M.; Hoene, C.; Wolisz, A.
Page(s): 1265- 1282
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (813)]
Analysis and design of a multiple-loop control system for a hybrid
active filter
Senini, S.; Wolfs, P.J.
Page(s): 1283- 1292
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (563)]
Control features of dual-channel DC-DC converters
Hamar, J.; Nagy, I.
Page(s): 1293- 1305
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (1682)]
Hardware realization of Krawtchouk transform using VHDL modeling and FPGAs
Botros, N.M.; Jian Yang; Feinsilver, P.; Schott, R.
Page(s): 1306- 1312
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (496)]
A propagating interface model strategy for global trajectory
planning among moving obstacles
Kao-Shing Hwang; Ming-Yi Ju
Page(s): 1313- 1322
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (1860)]
Development of new training algorithms for neuro-wavelet systems on
the robust control of induction servo motor drive
Rong-Jong Wai
Page(s): 1323- 1341
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (1204)]
Comparisons of PWM and one-cycle control for power amplifier with multilevel converter
Chan, C.C.; Zheng Ming Zhao; Qian, C.; Meng, S.
Page(s): 1342- 1344
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (286)]
Loss minimization in vector-controlled interior permanent-magnet synchronous motor drives
Mademlis, C.; Margaris, N.
Page(s): 1344- 1347
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (314)]
Author Index
Page(s): 1348- 1353
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text ()]
Subject Index
Page(s): 1353- 1371
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text ()]
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