Elsevier Science, "Microelectronics Journal", Volume 29, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-65, 2 January 1998.
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Revue : [REVUE307]

Titre : Elsevier Science, Microelectronics Journal, Volume 29, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-65, 2 January 1998.

Cité dans : [DATA197] Les revues Microelectronics Reliability et Microelectronics Journal, ELSEVIER, décembre 2004.
Auteur : Elsevier Science

Volume : 29
Issues : 1-2
Pages : 1-65
Date : 2 January 1998

[1] : A new technology computer-aided design (TCAD) system based on neural network models, Pages 1-4
Dragan Panti, Tatjana Trajkovi and Ninoslav Stojadinovi
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (199 K)

[2] : Reversible and irreversible effects on the electrical characteristics of new high-speed a-Si and a-SiC switches, Pages 5-11
E. I. Dimitriadis, N. Georgoulas and A. Thanailakis
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (403 K)

[3] : Design and optimization of a low-power and very-high-performance 0.25 m advanced pnp bipolar process, Pages 13-19
Boualem Djezzar
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (337 K)

[4] : Correcting separation errors related to contact resistance measurement, Pages 21-30
Li Yao, H. Barry Harrison and Geoffrey K. Reeves
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (436 K)

[5] : Parasitic series resistance extraction and impact ionization current modeling for SOI MOSFETs, Pages 31-41
S. Pidin and M. Koyanagi
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (584 K)

[6] : Novel approach to the calculation of non-linear harmonic distortion coefficients in CMOS amplifiers, Pages 43-48
H. Hakan Kuntman and Ali Zeki
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (255 K)

[7] : Design and optimization of an npn silicon bipolar phototransistor for optical position encoders, Pages 49-58
G. F. Dalla Betta, G. U. Pignatel, G. Verzellesi, P. Bellutti, M. Boscardin, L. Ferrario, N. Zorzi and A. Maglione
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (558 K)

[8] : Realization of floating immittance function simulators using CCII+, Pages 59-63
Chun-Li Hou and Wei-Yu Wang
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (230 K)

[9] : Book Review, Page 65
Lien : vide.pdf - Format-PDF (74 K)

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