Revue : [REVUE190]
Titre : Elsevier Science, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 40, Issue 8-10, pp. 1243-1770, august-october 2000.
Cité dans : [DATA197] Les revues Microelectronics Reliability et Microelectronics Journal, ELSEVIER, décembre 2004. Cité dans : [DATA126] ESREF'2000, 11th European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis, Dresden, Germany, 2-6 octobre 2000.
Volume : 40
Issue : 8-10
Pages : 1243 - 1770
Date : august-november 2000
Editorial ix -- ix
L.J. Balk, E. Wolfgang, W. H. Gerling
Reliability of flip chip and chip size packages 1243 -- 1254
H. Reichl, A. Schubert, M. Töpper
Packaging of CMOS MEMS 1255 -- 1262
Henry Baltes, Oliver Brand, Marc Waelti
Relation between robustness against ESD and against flash 1263 -- 1266
events in deflection amplifiers
R. van Roijen, A.W. Ludikhuize, J. Voets, P. van Oosten
Model and Design Rules for Eliminating Surface Potential 1267 -- 1272
Induced Failures in High Voltage Integrated Circuits
Jacob A. van der Pol, R.T.H. Rongen, H.J. Bruggers
Establishment of Derating rules and End of Life Drifts 1273 -- 1278
figures for electronic components
L. Cosqueric, P. Le Blanc, G. Salvaterra, L. Toudret
Acceleration Method for gate-disturb degradation on embedded 1279 -- 1283
flash EEPROM
Tetsuaki Wada
Design for reliability 1285 -- 1294
S. Minehane, R. Duane, P. O'Sullivan, K.G. McCarthy, A. Mathewson
Relationship between microstructure and electromigration 1295 -- 1299
damage in unpassivated PVD copper damascene interconnects
T.G. Koetter, H. Wendrock, H. Schuehrer, C. Wenzel, K. Wetzig
Room temperature grain growth in electroplated copper thin 1301 -- 1304
H. Wendrock, W. Brückner, M. Hecker, T.G. Koetter, H. Schloerb
Assessment of copper contamination impact on inter-level 1305 -- 1309
dielectric reliability performed with
time-dependent-dielectric-breakdown tests
R. Gonella, P. Motte, J. Torres
Electromigration characterization of damascene copper 1311 -- 1316
interconnects using normally and highly accelerated tests
T. Berger, L. Arnaud, R. Gonella, G. Lormand, Y. Morand
Evaluation of the thermal resistance of Al-Cu 1317 -- 1322
electromigration test structures
A. Braghieri, I. De Munari, M. Impronta, A. Scorzoni
Low frequency noise evolution during lifetime tests of lines 1323 -- 1327
and vias subjected to electromigration
V. Dattilo, B. Neri, C. Ciofi
Impact of process steps on electrical and electromigration 1329 -- 1334
performances of copper interconnects in damascene
R. Gonella, J. Torres, P. Motte, E. van der Vegt, J. M. Gilet
Influence of Fluorine Contamination on Reliability of Thin 1335 -- 1340
Gate Oxides
D. Krüger, P. Gaworzewski, R. Kurps, K. Pomplun
Annealing behavior of gate oxide leakage current after 1341 -- 1346
Zhen Xu, Byung Jin Cho, Ming Fu Li
Low-field latent plasma damage depassivation in thin-oxide 1347 -- 1352
G. Cellere, A. Paccagnella, L. Pantisano, P. Colombo, M.G. Valentini
PICA: Backside failure analysis of CMOS circuits using 1353 -- 1358
Picosecond Imaging Circuit Analysis
M.K. Mc Manus, J.A. Kash, S.E. Steen, S. Polonsky, J.C. Tsang, D.R.
Knebel, W. Huott
Study of triggering inhomogeneities in gg-nMOS ESD protection 1359 -- 1364
devices via thermal mapping using backside laser
M. Litzenberger, K. Esmark, D. Pogany, C. Fürböck, H. Gossner, E. Gornik,
W. Fichtner
Thermal and free carrier concentration mapping during ESD 1365 -- 1370
event in Smart Power ESD protection devices using an improved
laser interferometric technique
C. Fürböck, K. Esmark, M. Litzenberger, D. Pogany, G. Groos, R. Zelsacher,
M. Stecher, E. Gornik
Laser Cross Section Measurement for the Evaluation of 1371 -- 1375
Single-Event Effects in Integrated Circuits
V. Pouget, P. Fouillat, D. Lewis, H. Lapuyade, F. Darracq, A. Touboul
Automatic EB fault-tracing system using fuzzy-logic approach 1377 -- 1382
K. Miura, K. Nakamae, H. Fujioka
Correlation of scanning thermal microscopy and near-field 1383 -- 1388
cathodoluminescence analyses on a blue GaN light emitting
R. Heiderhoff, M. Palaniappan, J.C.H. Phang, L.J. Balk
Voltage-influence of biased interconnection line on 1389 -- 1394
integrated circuit-internal current contrast measurements via
magnetic force microscopy
R. Weber, W. Mertin, E. Kubalek
Quantification of Scanning Capacitance Microscopy 1395 -- 1399
Measurements for 2D Dopant Profiling
P. Malberti, L. Ciampolini, M. Ciappa, W. Fichtner
Cross-talk in electric force microscopy testing of parallel 1401 -- 1406
submicrometer conducting lines
U. Behnke, W. Mertin, E. Kubalek
In-Situ SEM Observations of Electromigration in Thin Metal 1407 -- 1412
Films at Accelerated Stress Conditions
J. d'Haen, J. Van Olmen, Z. Beelen, J.V. Manca, T. Martens, W. De
Ceuninck, M. d'Olieslaeger, L. De Schepper, M. Cannaerts, K. Maex
Analysis of High-Power Devices Using Proton Beam Induced 1413 -- 1418
M. Zmeck, T. Osipowicz, F. Watt, F. Niedernostheide, H.-J. Schulze, G.B.M.
Fiege, L. Balk
Faster Fault Isolation Using a Dichotomy Reduction of Node 1419 -- 1424
Romain Desplats, Guy Rolland, Philippe Perdu
New Non-Destructive Laser Ablation Based Backside Sample 1425 -- 1429
Preparation Method
F. Beaudoin, F. Saviot, D. Lewis, P. Perdu, F. Salin
A review of sample backside preparation techniques for VLSI 1431 -- 1436
P. Perdu, R. Desplats, F. Beaudoin
Principle and Application of a Bifunctional Laser Linking and 1437 -- 1442
Cutting Structure for Microelectronic Circuits in Standard
Ole Mende, Dirk Niggemeyer
Reliability and stability of GaAs-based pseudomorphic quantum 1443 -- 1447
wells for high-precision power metering
Y. Haddab, V. Mosser, F. Kobbi, R. Pond
A method for HBT process control and defect detection using 1449 -- 1453
pulsed electrical stress
C. Sydlo, B. Mottet, M. Schüßler, M. Brandt, H.L. Hartnagel
Electrochemical Wet Etching in KOH:H2O Solution and 1455 -- 1459
Secondary/Ion Image Passive Voltage Contrast as a
Complementary Technique in Failure Analysis
Oh Chong Khiam, Bi Jian Hua, Shailesh Redkar
Effects of test sequences on the degradation analysis in high 1461 -- 1465
speed connectors
M. Catelani, M. Mugnaini, R. Singuaroli
Bulk and surface degradation mode in 0.35µm technology 1467 -- 1472
gg-nMOS ESD protection devices
D. Pogany, K. Esmark, M. Litzenberger, C. Fürböck, H. Gossner, E. Gornik
Numerical investigation for a Grounded Gate NMOS Transistor 1473 -- 1477
under electrostatic discharge (ESD) through TLP method
P. Galy, V. Berland, B. Foucher, I. Lombaert-Valot, A. Guilhaume, J.P.
Chante, S. Dufrenne, S. Bardy
Dimensional effects on the reliability of polycrystalline 1479 -- 1483
silicon thin-film transistors
H. W. Zan, P. S. Shih, T. C. Chang, C. Y. Chang
About long-term effects of hot-carrier stress on n-MOSFETS 1485 -- 1490
Barbara Stadlober
Reliability of Passivated P-type Polycrystalline Silicon Thin 1491 -- 1495
Film Transistors
D.Z. Peng, P.S. Shin, T.C. Chang, C.Y. Chang
The role of spreading resistance profiling in manufacturing 1497 -- 1502
control and technology development
J. Lin-Kwang, S. Ramey, J. M. Reynes, R.J. Hillard, T. Thieme
A simple model for the mode I popcorn effect for IC packages 1503 -- 1508
P. Alpern, K.C. Lee, R. Dudek, R. Tilgner
Measurement of the thermomechanical strain of electronic 1509 -- 1514
devices by shearography
S. Dilhaire, S. Jorez, A. Cornet, L.D. Patiño Lopez, W. Claeys
Surface oxide films on Aluminum bondpads: Influence on 1515 -- 1520
thermosonic wire bonding behavior and hardness
M. Petzold, L. Berthold, D. Katzer, H. Knoll, D. Memhard, P. Meier, K.-D.
Reliability Model for Al Wire Bonds subjected to Heel Crack 1521 -- 1525
S. Ramminger, N. Seliger, G. Wachutka
[1] : [SHEET465] S. RAMMINGER, N. SELIGER, G. WACHUTKA, Reliability Model for Al Wire Bonds subjected to Heel Crack Failures, ESREF'2000, pp. 1521-1526.
Thermal fatigue and metallurgical reactions in solder joints 1527 -- 1532
of LTCC modules
R. Rautioaho, O. Nousiainen, T. Saven, S. Leppävuori, J. Lenkkeri
Vertical die crack stresses of Flip Chip induced in major 1533 -- 1538
package assembly processes
D.G. Yang, L.J. Ernst, C. van 't Hof, M.S. Kiasat, J. Bisschop, J.
Janssen, F. Kuper, Z. N. Liang, R. Schravendeel, G.Q. Zhang
Flip Chips and Acoustic Micro Imaging: An Overview of Past 1539 -- 1543
Applications, Present Status, And Roadmap for the Future
Janet E. Semmens
MOS Transistor Reliability under Analog Operation 1545 -- 1554
R. Thewes, R. Brederlow, C. Schlünder, P. Wieczorek, B. Ankele, A.
Hesener, J. Holz, S. Kessel, W. Weber
The Impacts of SILC and Hot Carrier Induced Drain Leakage 1555 -- 1560
Current on the Refresh Time in DRAM
Sung H. Hong, Jeoung Y. Chun, Chong G. Yu, Jong T. Park
Data retention prediction for modern floating gate 1561 -- 1566
non-volatile memories
G. Tao, A. Scarpa, J. Dijkstra, W. Stidl, F. Kuper
Transconductance increase due to charge trapping during 1567 -- 1572
hot-carrier stress of nMOSFETs
J. M. Rafí, F. Campabadal
Stability of Polysilicon Thin Film Transistors under Switch 1573 -- 1577
H. Toutah, J.F. Llibre, B. Tala-Ighil, T. Mohammed-Brahim, K. Mourgues, Y.
Helen, F. Raoult, O. Bonnaud
Evaluation of the hot carrier/ionizing radiation induced 1579 -- 1584
effects on the RF characteristics of low-complexity SiGe
heterojunction bipolar transistors by numerical simulation
J. Kuchenbecker, M. Borgarino, A. Coustou, R. Plana, J. Graffeuil, F.
RTS noise in submicron SiGe epitaxial base bipolar 1585 -- 1590
L. Militaru, A. Souifi, M. Mouis, G. Brémond
A complementary molecular-model (including field and current) 1591 -- 1597
for TDDB in SiO2 dielectrics
J. W. McPherson, R. B. Khamankar, A. Shanware
Modeling the conduction characteristics of broken down gate 1599 -- 1603
oxides in MOS structures
E. Miranda, J. Suñé
Shot noise partial suppression in the SILC regime 1605 -- 1608
F. Crupi, G. Iannaccone, B. Neri, C. Ciofi, S. Lombardo
Does Short Wavelength Lithography Process Degrade the 1609 -- 1613
Integrity of Thin Gate Oxide?
S. J. Kim, B. J. Cho, P. F. Chong, E. F. Chor, C. H. Ang, C. H. Ling, M.
S. Joo, I. S. Yeo
Technique for determining a prudent voltage stress to improve 1615 -- 1618
product quality and reliability
Richard C., II Blish, J. Courtney Black, Ben Hui, Don T. Prince
Impact of ESD-induced soft drain junction damage on CMOS 1619 -- 1628
product lifetime
Joachim C. Reiner, Thomas Keller, Hans Jäggi, Silvio Mira
CALYPSO - Critical Area, Lifetime, and Yield Predicting 1629 -- 1634
P. Miskowiec, D. Kunze, K. Lukat
Yield and reliability analysis of digital standard cells with 1635 -- 1640
resistive defects
M. Huber, Th. Nirschl, J. Gstöttner, M. Heinitz, Th. Zanon, W. Maly, D.
Back side optical beam induced current method for the 1641 -- 1645
localization of electric field enhancements in edge
termination structures of power semiconductor devices
Gerald Soelkner, Johannes Kreutle, Jörg Quincke, Winfried Kaindl, Gerhard
Use of Electrical Stress and Isochronal Annealing on Power 1647 -- 1652
MOSFETs in Order to Characterize the Effects of 60Co
C. Picard, C. Brisset, A. Hoffmann, J-P. Charles, F. Joffre, L. Adams, A.
Holmes Siedle
A modelling approach to assess the creep behaviour of 1653 -- 1658
large-area solder joints
M.H. Poech, R. Eisele
Lien : private/Poech1.pdf - 6 pages, 375 Ko.
[1] : [ART186] M.H. POECH, R. EISELE, A modelling approach to assess the creep behaviour of large-area solder joints, Microelectronic Reliability, Vol. 40, 2000, 1653-1658.
Reliability testing of high-power multi-chip IGBT modules 1659 -- 1663
G. Lefranc, T. Licht, H.J. Schultz, R. Beinert, G. Mitic
Lien : private/LEFRANC1.pdf - 5 pages, 364 Ko.
[1] : [ART185] G. LEFRANC, T. LICHT, H.J. SCHULTZ, R. BEINERT, G. MITIC, Reliability testing of high-power multi-chip IGBT modules,Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 40, Issue 8-10, august-october 2000, pp. 1659-1663.
Failure criteria for long term Accelerated Power Cycling Test 1665 -- 1670
linked to electrical turn off SOA on IGBT module. A 4000
hours test on 1200A-3300V module with AlSiC base plate
G. Coquery, R. Lallemand
Reliable use of commercial technology in high temperature 1671 -- 1678
Patrick McCluskey, Kofi Mensah, Casey O'Connor, Anthony Gallo
Reliability aspects of high temperature power MOSFETs 1679 -- 1682
J.V. Manca, W. Wondrak, W. Schaper, K. Croes, J. D'Haen, W. De Ceuninck,
B. Dieval, H. L. Hartnagel, M. D'Olieslaeger, L. De Schepper
Thermal stability of laser welded thermocouple contacts to Si 1683 -- 1688
for high temperature thermal sensor application
H. Ernst, E. Müller, W. A. Kaysser
Reliability of AlGaN/GaN HFETs comprising refractory ohmic 1689 -- 1693
and Schottky contacts
J. Würfl, J. Hilsenbeck, E. Nebauer, G. Tränkle, H. Obloh, W. Österle
3-D analysis of the breakdown localised defects of ACSTM 1695 -- 1700
through a triac study
S. Forster, T. Lequeu, R. Jérisian, A. Hoffmann
Reliability of optoelectronic components for 1701 -- 1708
D. Sauvage, D. Laffitte, J. Périnet, Ph. Berthier, J.L. Goudard
Reliability of InAlAs/InGaAs HEMTs grown on GaAs substrate 1709 -- 1713
with metamorphic buffer
M. Dammann, M. Chertouk, W. Jantz, K. Köhler, G. Weimann
Parasitic effects and long term stability of InP-based HEMTs 1715 -- 1720
G. Meneghesso, R. Luise, D. Buttari, A. Chini, H. Yokoyama, T. Suemitsu,
E. Zanoni
A method to minimize test time for accelerated ageing of 1721 -- 1726
pHEMT's by analysis of the electronic fingerprint of the
initial stage of degradation
R. Petersen, W. De Ceuninck, L. De Schepper, J.-L. Muraro
Comparison of RF and DC life-test effects on GaAs power 1727 -- 1731
B. Lambert, N. Saysset-Malbert, N. Labat, F. Verdier, A. Touboul, P.
Huguet, F. Garat
Model for the Decrease in HBT Collector Current under DC 1733 -- 1738
Stress based on Recombination Enhanced Defect Reactions
M. Schüßler, B. Mottet, C. Sydlo, V. Krozer, H. L. Hartnagel, R. Jakoby
Overstress and Electrostatic Discharge in CMOS and BCD 1739 -- 1746
Integrated Circuits
G. Meneghesso, M. Ciappa, P. Malberti, L. Sponton, G. Croce, C. Contiero,
E. Zanoni
Application of analytical TEM for failure analysis of 1747 -- 1751
semiconductor device structures
H.J. Engelmann, H. Saage, E. Zschech
New FIB/TEM evidence for a REDR mechanism in sudden failures 1753 -- 1757
of 980 nm SL SQW InGaAs/AlGaAs pump laser diodes
M. Vanzi, G. Salmini, R. De Palo
Calculation of the Optimal FIB Milling and Deposition 1759 -- 1764
Operations for Easier and Faster Circuit Reconfiguration
Romain Desplats, Timothee Dargnies, Jean-Christophe Courrege, Philippe
Perdu, Jean-Louis Noullet
X-ray structure characterization of barriers for Cu 1765 -- 1770
N. Mattern, M. Hecker, D. Fischer, C. Wenzel, N. Schell, W. Matz, H.
Engelmann, E. Zschech
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