Article : [PAP648]
Titre : A. SIVERT, F. BETIN, S. CARRIERE, Electrically Propelled Bike: a comparison between Two Control Strategies, EVER Monaco, 2012, 6 pages.
Cité dans : [CONF086] EVER, Conférence et Exposition Internationales de Véhicules Ecologiques et Energies Renouvelables, mars 2015.Auteur : Arnaud Sivert - IEEE Reviewer
Adresse : Laboratoire des Technologies innovantes (L.T.I) - Institut Universitaire de Technologie de l’Aisne, I.U.T, 13 av. F.Mitterrand, 02880 Cuffies, France
Lien :
Lien :
Lien :
Source : EVER Monaco
Date : 2012
Lien : private/SIVERT-03.pdf - 1920 ko, 6 pages.
Pages : 1 - 6
Info : - Des articles pédagogiques à EVER Monaco 2012.
Vers : Bibliographie
Vers : Informations
Abstract :
This paper outlines the benefits of the constant power control compared to the constant force control.
The constant power control allows to cancel the intensity peaks supplied by the battery and have better dynamic speed.
Indeed, for the same energy consumption during acceleration, displacement is larger with the constant power control.
However, this control strategy causes a current peak motor. Therefore, there are trade off which exist between the constant power and constant driving force to control a motor.
Many curves present in theory and practice the two control strategies.
The power constant control is obviously applicable to any electric vehicle. We applied the two commands to 1500W brushless electric bikes from a test bench.
These bikes reach 60 km/h with a difficult compromise between weight, power, autonomy and price.
The constant power control is the most suitable because it increases the life of batteries which represent 35% of price.
The constant power control is achieved through regulation of the battery current and not of regulation motor.
However, a limitation of motor current priority must be made for low speed values. In addition, the battery current control makes it easy to limit the current to 1C during deceleration or downhill runs (regeneration).
Keywords : control strategy, electrical bike, torque control, power control.
Bibliographie | ![]() |
[1] : [PAP158] ------- [2] : [PAP158] ------- [3] : [PAP661] A. SIVERT, F. BETIN, J.-P. BECAR, An Electrical Bike For Project Based Learning Platform, EVER Monaco, 2011, 6 pages. [4] : [PAP158] ------- [5] : [PAP158] ------- [6] : [PAP158] -------
Informations | ![]() |
The e-bike as a teaching support is used in technical field activity as electrical engineering or mechanical engineering and also in theoretical field activity as physics and mathematics.
The e-bike teaching tool turns all mechanical or human parameters such as forces and powers into their electrical analogy representation.
The e-bike allows understanding some facts.
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