A. SIVERT, F. BETIN, J.-P. BECAR, "An Electrical Bike For Project Based Learning Platform", EVER Monaco, 2011, 6 pages.
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Article : [PAP661]

Titre : A. SIVERT, F. BETIN, J.-P. BECAR, An Electrical Bike For Project Based Learning Platform, EVER Monaco, 2011, 6 pages.

Cité dans : [CONF086] EVER, Conférence et Exposition Internationales de Véhicules Ecologiques et Energies Renouvelables, mars 2015.

Auteur : Arnaud Sivert - IEEE Reviewer - (a)
Auteur : Franck Betin - IEEE Member - (a)
Auteur : Jean-Paul Bécar (a)

Adresse : (a) Laboratoire des Technologies innovantes (L.T.I) - Institut Universitaire de Technologie de l’Aisne, I.U.T, 13 av. F.Mitterrand, 02880 Cuffies, France.
Lien : mailto:arnaud.sivert@iut.u-picardie.fr
Lien : mailto:franck.betin@u-picardie.fr

Adresse : (b) IEEE ToE Reviewer, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut Cambrésis, IUT, GEII - Le Mont-Houy, 59300 Valenciennes Cedex 9 - France
Lien : mailto:jean-paul.becar@univ-valenciennes.fr

Source : EVER Monaco
Date : 2011
Lien : private/SIVERT-12.pdf - 901 ko, 7 pages.
Pages : 1 - 7
Info : http://www.e-kart.fr/index.php/news/33-dernieres-nouvelles/413-des-articles-pedagogiques-a-ever-monaco-2011 - Des articles pédagogiques à EVER Monaco 2011.

Vers : Bibliographie

Abstract :
This paper deals with the electrical bike (e-bike) seen as a project based learning tool.
The e-bike offers to the students a real system to learn many concepts.
Some subjects as forces determination, electrical drives, power electronics, speed variations, energy saving and instrumentation can be treated in experimented in real time using this friendly educational tool.
In this article, the educational tool is serving one objective that is to know how is it possible to represent the human mechanics as reliable as possible into an electrical motor system.
The work presented here is done by a team composed by a teacher in electrical engineering domain supervising four students in the second grade of bachelor of technology course with electrical engineering as their speciality.
The group is welcome in an Institute of Technology. After some theoretical calculation, the team fixed the choice of an e-bike and realized this educational platform.
A special electronic equipment is installed on a test bench in order to make some laboratory experimentations.
The e-bike is setting an interface between the theoretical, practical and experimental knowledge.
It represents a complete electro mechanical system and can be also viewed as another research platform.

Keywords : electrical bike, sustainable development, electro mechanical system, strategies controller



Référence : 3
[1] : http://aisne02geii.e-kart.fr/ réalisation de vélo électrique, mai 2009
[2] : Benoit Rozel, Wilfried Frelin, Emmanuel Hoang, Gilles Feld, " charge simulator for Home Trainer", CETSIS'2005, Nancy, 25-27 octobre 2005
[3] : Guide du calcul en mécanique et guide du technicien électrotechnique éditeur hachette technique

  [1] :  [PAP158]  -------
  [2] :  [ART636]  B. ROZEL, W. FRELIN, E. HOANG, G. FELD, Simulateur de charge pour home trainer, CETSIS-EEA 2005, 5ième Colloque sur l'Enseignement des Technologies et des Sciences de l'Information et des Systèmes, Club EEA, 25-27 octobre 2005.
  [3] :  [PAP158]  -------

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