Article : [PAP440]
Titre : F. OSTERSTOCK, B. LEGENDRE, A Method to Compare the Thermal Shock Resistances and the Severity of Quenching Conditions of Brittle Solids, J. Phys. III France, Vol. 7, March 1997, pp. 561-574
Cité dans : [DIV225] Les revues The European Physical Journal Applied Physics et Journal de Physique III, mars 2002. Cité dans :[PAP360]Auteur : F. Osterstock
Lien : JP3/1997/03/contents/contents.html
Journal : J. Phys. III France
Volume : 7
Date : March 1997
Pages : 561 - 574
Info : Received 6 March 1996, revised 1 October 1996, accepted 16 December 1996.
PACS. : 65.70.+y - Thermal expansion and density charges; thermomechanical effects.
PACS. : 62.20.Mk - Fatigue, brittleness, fracture, and cracks.
PACS. : 81.70.Fy - Nondestructive testing: optical methods.
The thermal shock behavior and resistance of brittle materials are mostly investigated through the determination of a critical quenching temperature difference.
This technique, however, needs a large number of, almost, identical samples and is thus poorly adapted to products being in the stage of research and development.
In order to overcome this difficulty, the indentation technique has been used in this work.
The residual contact stresses, created during indentation, permit a stage of stable extension of the indentation cracks under the action of further stressing.
The relative increase of radial crack length as a function of Vickers indentation load, vs. P , is taken as a criterion, or indicator, of relative thermal shock resistance, or of the severities of quenching conditions.
This is validated, first in quenching materials whose empirical ranking is well established, and second in varying parameters of the Biot number.
Finally, are two batches of a functional ceramic compared. The proposed criterion reflects the competition between the toughness of the quenched material, as an intrinsic property, and the thermal transient stresses, as a consequence of the physical properties of both the quenched sample and the quenching medium.
Possibilities for extending the developed approach towards a more accurate description of quenching phenomena and stress states such as to refine theoretical models are discussed.
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