Article : [PAP048]
Titre : A. ALESINA, M.G.B. VENTURINI, Solid-state power conversion; a Fourier analysis approach to generalized transformer synthesis, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, April 1981, vol. CAS-28, no.4, pp. 319-330.
Cité dans : [DIV100] Recherche sur l'auteur VENTURINI et CONVERTER, août 1998. Cité dans :[99DIV032] Cité dans :[PAP086] Cité dans :[PAP096]Auteur : Alesina, A.
Info : recherche du 4 juin 1998, STN - INSPEC
Stockage :
Source : IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems (April 1981)
Volume : vol.CAS-28, no.4,
Pages : 319 - 330
ISSN : 0098-4094
Abstract :
Deals, both from the Fourier analysis and the circuit design point of view, with a large family of
electronic power converters which synthesize the assigned slow-varying waveforms via high-frequency
switching, thereby needing very little reactive elements. A general condition for high-frequency
synthesis applicability is given, together with a method which allows direct converter design from
the desired input-output characterizations. Furthermore, a general model is introduced for high-
frequency synthesis converters; as a consequence, they are characterized as two-port, multipole,
time varying, linear circuit elements. Finally, as a major application example, a new AC-AC,
three-to-three phase converter is introduced. The new converter displays several attractive
features: sinusoidal waveforms, bidirectionality, separate control over amplitude, frequency,
phase, and power factor. Moreover, depending on which side is taken as an input, it can either
step or step down the voltage.
Accession_Number : 81:1722058
Références : 13 refs.
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