Fiche : [DATAT046]
Titre : IAS'97, Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference, 1997 IEEE/IAS, 1997
Cité dans : [CONF017] IAS, World Conference on Industrial Applications of Electrical Energy, octobre 2003. Cité dans : [DIV003] Liste des actes de congrès par années, février 2003. Cité dans : [DIV007] Classement par type de Congrés et de revues IEEE, avril 2003.Vers : Articles
Info : Softcover /264pp - List Price:$120.00 - IEEE Member Price:$60.00
ISBN : 0-7803-3825-1
Info : IEEE Product No. CH36040-TBR - Product Size: 8.5 x 11
Subject_Category : Power Generation
Sponsored : IEEE Industry Applications Society
Info : 32th Annual Meeting
Date : october 1997
Lieu : New Orleans, LA
Lien : IAS/IAS1997.htm - IEEE Power Engineering Society, Task Force on Light Flicker, IEEE IAS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Tuesday October 7, 1997
Abstract :
Attended by some of the world's leading experts in the field, this conference addresses applications
involving power subsystems in industrial, commercial, and local distribution. The impact of local
conditions on test and analysis techniques are presented along with suggestions for practical
corrections to offset the errors that might be overlooked. Safety, quality, and performance
reliability of these industrial, commercial, and local subsystems are described in relation to the
growth of installations of computer, medical, and other electronic equipment.
Contents :
Power Systems Analysis; Power Systems Design; Power Quality; Safety Operations, Maintenance, and
Grounding; Reliability; Systems Protection, Low Voltage; Systems Engineering; Energy Systems
Articles | ![]() |
[1] : [SHEET216] Design and testing of high power, repetitively pulsed, solid-state closing switches [2] : [SHEET270] A. HERLET, P. VOSS, State of the art in power semiconductors, IEEE / IAS International Semic0nductor Power Conversion Conference Record, 1997. [3] : [ART192] V.A. SANKARAN, C. CHEN, C.S. AVANT, X. XU, Power cycling reliability of IGBT power modules, IAS Annual Meeting, 1997.
Programme | ![]() |
1.Paper title: Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverter with Parallel Driving of IGBTs for Industrial Applications
Author(s): H. Miyazaki, H. Fukumoto, S. Sugiyama. M. Tachikawa, N. Azusawa
2.Paper title: Multilevel Current- and Voltage-Source Converter Systems Coupled with Harmonic Canceling Reactors
Author(s): K. Oguchi
3.Paper title: A Snubber Configuration Suitable for Energy Recover in Three Level GTO Inverters
Author(s): J. Sung, K. Nam
4.Paper title: A Power Line Conditioner Using Cascade Multilevel Inverters for Distribution Systems
Author(s): F.Z. Peng, J. McKeever, D. Adams
5.Paper title: Current Stiff Rectifier/Inverter Topologies with Resonant Snubbers
Author(s): B. J. Cardosos Filho, S. Bernet, T.A. Lipo
6.Paper title: High-Power Pulsewidth Controled Current Source GTO Inverter Using Regenerative Snubbers for High Switching Frequency
Author(s): J. Holtz
7.Paper title: Neutral Point Control for Multi-Level Inverters - The theory, design, and operational limitations
Author(s): C. Newton, M. Sumner
SESSION ORGANIZER: Prof. D.G. Holmes, Monash Univ., Autralia
SESSION CHAIRMAN: Prof. D.G. Holmes, Monash Univ., Autralia
1.Paper title: Performance of Low Distortion 3-Phase Diode Rectifiers Using Resonant Harmonic Correction Networks
Author(s): J.C. Salmon
2.Paper title: Investigations on Harmonic Interaction Between 1500-kVA Supply Transformer and VFD Load at an Industrial Plant
Author(s): M. Swamy, S. Rossiter
3.Paper title: Design and Fully Digital Control of Parallel Active Filters for Thyristor Rectifiers
Author(s): S. Buso, L. Malesani, P. Mattavelli, R. Veronese
4.Paper title: A New Thyristor Phase-Controlled Voltage Source Converter with Bidirectional Power Flow Capability
Author(s): I.G. Park, S.I. Kim
5.Paper title: A Novel Topology for Single Phase UPS Systems
Author(s): G.J. Su, T. Ohno
6.Paper title: Distribution System Voltage Regulation Under Fault Conditions Using Static Series Regulators
Author(s): K. Haddad, G. Joos
7.Paper title: Staggered Phase Controlled Rectifier
Author(s): E. Wiechmann, R. Burgos, J. Rodriguez
High_Frequency_Converter_I :
SESSION ORGANIZER: Prof. E. da Silva, Univ. of Paraiba, Brazil
1.Paper title: A Dual Bridge High Current DC-TO-DC Converter with Soft Switching Capability
Author(s): N. Kutkut, G. Luckjiff, D.M. Divan
2.Paper title: Pulsed DC-Link Current Converters - a Review
Author(s): E. da Silva, Y. Murai, T. Lipo, L. de Oliveira, C. Jacobina
3.Paper title: Minimum Loss Design of A 100 kHz Inductor With Litz Wire
Author(s): A. Kian, A. Keyhani, J. M. Powell
4.Paper title: Novel Zero-Voltage and Zero-Current-Switching (ZVZCS) Full Bridge PWM Converter Using a Simple Auxiliary Circuit
Author(s): J.G. Cho, J.W. Baeck, W.H. Kim, G.H. Rim
5.Paper title: Series Resonant Converter With Wide Load Range
Author(s): L. Rossetto, G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti
6.Paper title: Macroscopic Modeling of a Parallel Resonant Link PDM Converter and Closed-Loop Control of Link Voltage
Author(s): M. Matsui, Y. Yang
7.Paper title: Direct Linked Type Frequency Changer Based on DC-Clamped Bilateral Switching Circuit Topology
Author(s): K. Mino, Y. Okuma, K. Kuroki
Converter_Control_and_Simulation :
SESSION ORGANIZER: Prof. M.E. Elbuluk, Univ. of Akron, OH
SESSION CHAIRMAN: Prof. M.E. Elbuluk, Univ. of Akron, OH
1.Paper title: Fuzzy Logic Controlled Direct Frequency Converters
Author(s): E. Wiechmann, R. Burgos, L. Salazar, J. Rodriguez
2.Paper title: Novel Solutions for Protection of Matrix Converter to Three Phase Induction Machine
Author(s): F. Blaabjerg, J. Pedersen, P. Nielsen
3.Paper title: Optimal Regulator Based Control of NPC Boost Rectifiers for Unity Power Factor and Reduced Neutral Point Potential Variations
Author(s): S. Fukuda, Y. Matsumoto
4.Paper title: A New Control Method for Current Source Active Power Filters
Author(s): Y. Sato, T. Sugita, T. Kataoka
5.Paper title: Facult Detection and Isolation on a PWM Inverter by Knowledge-Based Model
Author(s): R. Peuget, S. Courtine, J. Rognon
6.Paper title: Self-Commutated Static Var Compensator with Compensation of Harmonic and Negative-Phase-Sequence Currents UsingDigital Control System
Author(s): Y. Yoshioka, S. Konoshi, H. Kishibe
7.Paper title: A New Approach for Harmonic Analysis of Three-Phase Current-Type AC/DC PWM Converter
Author(s): P.A. Dahono
Converter_PWM_and_Current_Regulator_Control :
SESSION ORGANIZER: Prof. A. Trzynadlowski, Univ. of Navada, NV
SESSION CHAIRMAN: Prof. S. Bolognani, Univ. of Padova, Italy
1.Paper title: A New Control Strategy of Voltage Type PWM Rectifiers to Realize Zero Steady-State Control Error in Input Current
Author(s): Yukihiko Sato, T. Ishizuka, K. Nezu, T. Kataoka
2.Paper title: Analysis and Design of Current Regulators Using Complex Vectors
Author(s): F. Briz, M. Degner, R.D. Lorenz
3.Paper title: A New PWM Method to Reduce Beat Phenomenon in Large Capacity Inverters with Low-Switching Frequency
Author(s): Y. Iwaji, T. Sukegawa, T. Okuyama, T. Ikimi, M. Shigyou, M. Tobise
4.Paper title: Dynamic Overmodulation Characteristics of Triangular Intersection PWM Methods
Author(s): Ahmet M.Hava, S. Sul, R. Kerkman, T. Lipo
5.Paper title: Charge Controlled Modulation of a Current Source Inverter
Author(s): A.Veltman, D.G. Holmes
6.Paper title: Using Harmonic Distortion Determining Factor for Harmonic Evaluation of Carrier-Based PWM Methods
Author(s): Shoji Fukuda, K. Suzuki
7.Paper title: Microprocessor Implemented SPWM for Multiconverters with Phase Shifted Triangle Carriers
Author(s): B. Mwinyiwiwa, B. Ooi, Z. Wolanski
Special_Session_on_Converter_EMC :
SESSION ORGANIZER: Prof. G. Joos, Concordia Univ., Quebec, Canada
SESSION CHAIRMAN: Prof. J. van Wyk, Rand Afrikaans Univ., South Africa
1.Paper title: Conductive Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Noise Evaluation for an Actively Clamped Resonant DC Link Inverter (ACRDCLI) for Electric Vehicle (EV) Traction Drive Applications
Author(s): C. Chen, X. Xu
2.Paper title: An Examination of Radiated Electromagnetic Emission from Hard and Soft Switched Power Converters
Author(s): G. Venkataramanan
3.Paper title: Analytical Approximations of Interference Spectra Generated by Power Converters
Author(s): A. Nagel, R. De Doncker.
4.Paper title: Invited Paper - Converter EMC I
Author(s): G. Skibinski
5.Panel title: Panel Discussion - Power Converter EMC
Panel chairman: J. van Wyk
High_Power_Converter_II :
SESSION ORGANIZER: Mr. A. Stevenson, General Electric Co., VA, USA
SESSION CHAIRMAN: Dr. P. Steimer, ABB, Switzerland
1.Paper title: IGCT-a New Emerging Technology for High Power, Low Cost Inverters
Author(s): P. Steimer, H. Gruening, B. Ødegård, E. Carroll, S. Kalka, R. Schlegel
2.Paper title: Design and Testing of a 320 MW Pulsed Power Supply
Author(s): J. Schillig, H. Boenig, J. Ferner, F. Bogdan, M. Feichler, G. Kasper, R. Marek, J. Martin
3.Paper title: Direct-Coupled Multilevel Cascaded Series Var Compensators
Author(s): G. Joos, X. Huang, B. T. Ooi
4.Paper title: Investigation of Soft Switched IGBT Based Boost Converters for High Power Applications
Author(s): N. Kutkut
5.Paper title: A New Harmonic Reducing Three-Phase Diode Rectifier for High Voltage and High Power Applications
Author(s): Y. Nishida, M. Nakaoka
6.Paper title: Low Harmonics, Decoupled Hysteresis Control of a Multiconverter Consisting of a Parallel Transformerless Connection of VSC Converters
Author(s): L. Matakas Jr., W. Kaiser
7.Paper title: Multimodular UPFC Operated by Phase-Shifted Triangle Carrier SPWM Strategy
Author(s): B. Mwinyiwiwa, B. T. Ooi, Z. Wolanski
High_Frequency_Converter_II :
SESSION ORGANIZER: Prof. E. da Silva, Univ. of Paraiba, Brazil
SESSION CHAIRMAN: Bill Peterson, Lockheed Martin, NY
1.Paper title: A 2 MHz, 2kW Voltage-Source Inverter for Low-Temperature Plasma Generators: Implementation of Fast Switching with a Third-Order Resonant Circuit
Author(s): H. Fujita, H. Akagi
2.Paper title: Self-Started Voltage Source Series Resonant Converter for High Power Induction Heating and Melting Applications
Author(s): P.K. Jain, J. Espinoza, S.B. Dewan
3.Paper title: A Method for Control and Protection of Series Resonant Induction Furnaces
Author(s): W. Komatsu, W. Po
4.Paper title: A New Rubust and Simple Three Phase Resonant Converter
Author(s): S. Munk-Nielsen, F. Blaabjerg, J.K. Pedersen
5.Paper title: A New ZVS LCL-Resonant Push-Pull DC-DC Converter Topology
Author(s): M.R. Ryan, W.E. Brumsickle, D.M. Divan, R.D.Lorenz
6.Paper title: Utility-Interactive Instantaneous Vector Modulated Bidirectional Three Phase ZVS-PWM Power Conditioner using Resonant DC Link
Author(s): M. Nakaoka, T. Shimizu
7.Paper title: Electronic Transformers
Author(s): M. Kang, P. Enjeti, I. Pitel
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