APEC 2003

February 9-13, 2003
The Fontainebleau Hotel
Miami Beach, Florida

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Welcome To APEC 2003

Miami Beach, Florida will be the site for APEC 2003, the eighteenth in a series of highly successful technical conferences and Exhibitions dedicated to serving the needs of power-electronics professionals. The conference will be at the Fontainebleau Hotel, located on Miami Beach. APEC 2003 is planned to be in the same style as previous conferences with the popular series of Professional Education Seminars on Sunday and Monday morning, Technical Sessions on Monday afternoon through Thursday, and the Exhibition on Monday through Wednesday. The MicroMouse contest will be on Monday evening and the Vendor Seminars followed by the Rap Sessions on Tuesday. On Wednesday, we are planning for a grand evening of good food and entertainment.

APEC has become a very useful and lively conference for promoting new ideas, meeting old friends and making new ones, exchanging news and learning about the power electronics industry. This year's Conference Committee, comprised of volunteers from industry and academia and the professional conference management firm Courtesy Associates, is working diligently to provide you an enjoyable and useful conference experience. On behalf of the APEC 2003 Conference Committee and the Conference Sponsors, I invite you to participate in every possible way to make APEC 2003 a memorable event.

Site Maintained by: bob.white@ieee.org
URL: http://www.apec-conf.org/2003/APEC03_General_Chair_Welcome.html
Original: 05 Oct 2002, Modified: 05 Oct 2002

Copyright 1998 - 2003 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.