Article : [99ART048]
Titre : B.J. BALIGA, Trends in power semiconductor devices, IEEE Trans. On Electron Devices, vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 1717-1731, October 1996.
Cité dans :[99DIV104] Recherche sur l'auteur B. JAYANT BALIGA, juin 2001. Cité dans : [DATA001] T. LEQUEU, Evolution des composants de puissance et des IGBT, mars 2004. Cité dans : [DATA211] Recherche d'informations sur les diodes SCHOTTKY, novembre 2000. Cité dans :[PAP137]Auteur : B. Jayant Baliga - Power Semicond. Res. Center, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC, USA
Lien : PAP137.HTM#Bibliographie - référence [6].
Revue : IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
Volume : 43
Numéro : 10
Date : october 1996
Pages : 1717 à 1731
ISSN : 0018-9383
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU (aussi à la bibliothèque R&D)
Lien : private/BALIGA3.pdf - 1559 Ko, 15 pages.
Lien : 99art048.jpg - image, 25 Ko, Device blocking voltage rating.
Vers : Bibliographie
Abstract :
This paper reviews recent trends in power semiconductor device
technology that are leading to improvements in power losses for
power electronic systems. In the case of low voltage (>100 V)
power rectifiers, the silicon P-i-N rectifier has been displaced
by the silicon Schottky rectifier, and it is projected that the
silicon TMBS rectifier will be the preferred choice in the
future. In the case of high voltage (<100 V) power rectifiers,
the silicon P-i-N rectifier continues to dominate but significant
improvements are expected by the introduction of the silicon MPS
rectifier followed by the GaAs and SiC based Schottky rectifiers.
Equally important developments are occurring in power switch
technology. The silicon bipolar power transistor has been
displaced by silicon power MOSFETs in low voltage (>100 V)
systems and by the silicon IGBTs in high voltage (<100 V)
systems. The process technology for these MOS-gated devices has
shifted from V-MOS in the early 1970s to DMOS in the 1980s, with
more recent introduction of the UMOS technology in the 1990s. For
the very high power systems, the thyristor and GTO continue to
dominate, but significant effort is underway to develop MOS-gated
thyristors (MCTs, ESTs, DG-BRTs) to replace them before the turn
of the century. Beyond that time frame, it is projected that
silicon carbide based switches will begin to displace these
silicon devices.
Subject_terms :
power semiconductor devices; power semiconductor diodes;
MOS-controlled thyristors; field effect transistor switches;
power field effect transistors; power semiconductor switches;
bipolar transistor switches; power bipolar transistors; insulated
gate bipolar transistors; solid-state rectifiers; silicon;
gallium arsenide; silicon compounds; thyristors; reviews; p-i-n
diodes; power semiconductor devices; review; semiconductor device
technology; power losses; low voltage power rectifiers; Schottky
rectifier; PIN rectifier; TMBS rectifier; high voltage power
rectifiers; MPS rectifier; power switch technology; bipolar power
transistor; power MOSFET; IGBT; MOS-gated devices; VMOS
technology; DMOS technology; UMOS technology; MOS-gated
thyristors; GTO; SiC based switches; Si; GaAs; SiC
Accession_Number : 5395332
Bibliographie | ![]() |
[1] : [PAP157] Référence non disponible. [2] : [SHEET072] G. MAJUMDAR, T. HIRAMOTO, T. SHIRASAWA, T. TANAKA, K. MOCHIZUKI, Active surge voltage clamped 600 A IPM for high power application, Proceedings of ISPSD'95, 23-25 May 1995, pp.75-79. [3] : [SHEET071] C. BLAKE, D. KINZER, P. WOOD, Synchronous rectifier versus Schottky diodes : a comparison of the losses of a synchronous rectifier versus the losses of a schottky diode rectifier, IEEE Applied Power Electronic Conference, 1994, pp.17-22.
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