M.M. JOVANOVIC, D.E. CROW, "Merits and limitations of full-bridge rectifier with LC filter in meeting IEC 1000-3-2 harmonic-limit specifications", proceeding of APEC'96, vol. 1, pp 354-360.
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Article : [99ART030]

Titre : M.M. JOVANOVIC, D.E. CROW, Merits and limitations of full-bridge rectifier with LC filter in meeting IEC 1000-3-2 harmonic-limit specifications, proceeding of APEC'96, vol. 1, pp 354-360.

Cité dans :[99ART031]
Cité dans :[PAP072]
Auteur : Jovanovic, M.M.
Auteur : Crow, D.E. - Delta Power Electron. Lab. Inc., Blacksburg, VA, USA

Appears : in Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 1996. APEC '96. Conference Proceedings 1996., Eleventh Annual
Pages : 354 - 360
Volume : 1
Date : 3-7 March 1996
ISBN : 0-7803-3044-7, IEEE Catalog Number: 96CH35871, Total Pages: 2 vol. xviii+1003, Accession Number: 5274305
Lien : private/CROW1.pdf - 7 pages, 578 Ko.

Abstract :
The feasibility of the single-phase, full-bridge rectifier with an LC filter to meet the IEC 1000-3-2, class D harmonic
specifications is assessed. It is found that this passive LC filter approach can meet the required specifications if a proper
inductance value of the filter choke is selected. Choke design considerations and performance evaluation results that include
the power loss, volume, and weight estimates for applications with power levels between 75 W and 600 W are presented.

Subject_Terms :
bridge circuits; rectifying circuits; AC-DC power convertors; power filters; passive filters; power system harmonics;
harmonic distortion; standards; inductors; power inductors; single-phase, full-bridge rectifier; passive LC filter;
IEC 1000-3-2 standard; class D harmonic specifications; filter choke; design considerations; performance evaluation;
power loss; volume; weight; applications; 75 to 600 W



Références : 9
  [1] :  [DIV041]  Norme Française, Norme Européenne, NF EN 61000-3-2, Compatibilité électromagnétique (CEM) partie 3 : limites - section 2 : limites pour les émissions de courant harmonique (courant appelé par les appareils inférieur à 16 A par phase), Août 1995, 1er tira
  [2] :  [PAP157]  Référence non disponible.
  [3] : [99ART068] S.B. DEWAN, Optimum input and output filters for a single-phase rectifier power supply, IEEE Transactions on industry applications, vol. IA-17, no. 3, pp. 282-288, May/June 1981.
  [4] : [99ART039] A.W. KELLEY, W.F. YADUSKY, Rectifier design for minimum line current harmonics and maximum power factor, proceeding of APEC'89, march 1989, pp 13-22.
  [5] : [99ART038] A.R. PRASAD, P.D. ZIOGAS, S. MANIAS, A novel passive waveshaping method for single-phase diode rectifiers, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON '90, vol. 2, pp 1041-1050, 27-30 Nov. 1990.
  [6] :  [PAP157]  Référence non disponible.
  [7] : [99ART032] R. REDL, L. BALOGH, Power-factor correction in bridge and voltage-doubler rectifier circuits with inductors and capacitors, proceeding of APEC'95, pp 466-472.
  [8] :  [PAP157]  Référence non disponible.
  [9] :  [PAP157]  Référence non disponible.

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