A.R. PRASAD, P.D. ZIOGAS, S. MANIAS, "A novel passive waveshaping method for single-phase diode rectifiers", IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON '90, vol. 2, pp 1041-1050, 27-30 Nov. 1990.
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Article : [99ART038]

Titre : A.R. PRASAD, P.D. ZIOGAS, S. MANIAS, A novel passive waveshaping method for single-phase diode rectifiers, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON '90, vol. 2, pp 1041-1050, 27-30 Nov. 1990.

Cité dans :[99ART032] R. REDL, L. BALOGH, Power-factor correction in bridge and voltage-doubler rectifier circuits with inductors and capacitors, proceeding of APEC'95, pp 466-472.
Auteurs : Prasad, A.R.; Ziogas, P.D.; Manias, S. - MPB Technol. Inc., Dorval., Que., Canada

Appears : in Industrial Electronics Society, 1990. IECON '90., 16th Annual Conference of IEEE
Pages : 1041 - 1050 vol.2
Date : 27-30 Nov. 1990
ISBN : 0-87942-600-4, Total Pages: 2 vol. 1343, Accession Number: 4096815
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/MANIAS1.pdf - 10 pages, 748 Ko.

Abstract :
A passive waveshaping method for single-phase diode rectifiers is presented. It is shown that the application of the
method maintains a high input power factor and lowers rectifier current stresses and volt-ampere (VA) rating of the
associated reactive components as compared with the standard diode rectifier. Relevant input and output current
waveforms, component ratings, and power factor values are derived. Different modes of operation are discussed as a
means of obtaining high performance. Predicted results were verified experimentally on a laboratory prototype unit.

Subject_Terms :
volt-ampere rating; passive filters; passive waveshaping method; single-phase; diode rectifiers; power factor;
current stresses; performance; passive filters; power factor; rectifiers; semiconductor diodes

References_Cited : 6

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