Article : [99ART031]
Titre : R. REDL, An economical single-phase passive power-factor-corrected rectifier: topology, operation, extensions, and design for compliance, proceeding of APEC'98, vol. 1, pp 454-460.
Cité dans :[99ART035] J.-C. GUIGNARD, Les harmoniques : application des normes de CEM associées, REE N° 5, mai 1999, pp 37-43.Auteur : Redl, R. - ELFI S.A., Onnens, Switzerland
Appears : in Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 1998. APEC '98. Conference Proceedings 1998., Thirteenth Annual
Pages : 454 - 460 vol.1
Date : 15-19 Feb. 1998
ISBN : 0-7803-4340-9, IEEE Catalog Number: 98CH36154, Total Pages: 2 vol. xxix+1178, Accession Number: 5856497
Lien : private/REDL1.pdf - 7 pages, xxx Ko.
Abstract :
This paper describes a novel passive power-factor correction circuit that ensures the compliance of the capacitively
filtered single-phase rectifier with the EN61000-3-2 norm at a cost much lower than the known solutions. The circuit
can be used to about 300 W. The additional components are a small inductor, a small capacitor and a diode.
Subject_Terms :
AC-DC power convertors; single-phase rectifier; passive power-factor correction circuit; EN61000-3-2; inductor;
capacitor; diode; 300 W
[1] : [99ART030] M.M. JOVANOVIC, D.E. CROW, Merits and limitations of full-bridge rectifier with LC filter in meeting IEC 1000-3-2 harmonic-limit specifications, proceeding of APEC'96, vol. 1, pp 354-360. [2] : [99ART033] R. REDL, B.P. ERISMAN, Z. ZANSKY, Optimizing the load transient response of the buck converter, proceeding of APEC'98, pp 170-176.
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