R. PEZZANI, "Limits to the use of thyristors, triacs and diodes under pulsed operating conditions. II.", L'Electricien Industriel, Jan.-Feb. 1975, vol. 88, no. 2168, pp. 25-27.
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Info : INSPEC ANSWER 13, le 07/10/2000.

Titre : R. PEZZANI, Limits to the use of thyristors, triacs and diodes under pulsed operating conditions. II., L'Electricien Industriel, Jan.-Feb. 1975, vol. 88, no. 2168, pp. 25-27.

Cité dans :[99DIV109] Recherche sur l'auteur Robert PEZZANI, octobre 2000.
Auteur : Pezzani, R.

Source : L'Electricien Industriel (Jan.-Feb. 1975) vol.88, no.2168, p.25-27.
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Practical
Info : Country of Publication : France
Language : French
Stockage :

Abstract :
For pt.I see ibid., no.2167, p.368, December 1974. The superposition of a permanent mode
and of overloads and the special problems associated with the use ot a triac are discussed. It is
affirmed that the complex problem of evaluating the temperature levels reached in operation
by the junctions of power semiconductor devices can be solved in most cases in which the
power dissipated in the device is due only to low frequency losses by using the model
proposed in this set of articles. Curves of the limits imposed on the use of the TB470
silec-semi-conductors thyristor are included in an appendix.

Accession_Number : 1975:781429

Référence : 0 refs.

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