A. HAMIDI, G. COQUERY, R. LALLEMAND, "Effects of current density and chip temperature distribution on lifetime of high power IGBT modules in traction working conditions", Microelectronics and Reliability, vol. 37, no. 10-11, Oct-Nov, 1997, pp. 1755-1758.
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Article : [SHEET362]

Info : COMPENDEX Answer Number 5, le 19/06/2000.

Titre : A. HAMIDI, G. COQUERY, R. LALLEMAND, Effects of current density and chip temperature distribution on lifetime of high power IGBT modules in traction working conditions, Microelectronics and Reliability, vol. 37, no. 10-11, Oct-Nov, 1997, pp. 1755-1758.

Cité dans : [CONF016] ESREF, European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis et Microelectronics and Reliability, décembre 2005.
Cité dans :[REVUE199] Elsevier Science, Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 37, Issues 10-11, Pages 1421-1798, 11 October 1997.
Cité dans : [DATA146] LTN, Laboratoire des Technologies Nouvelles, INRETS, Arcueil, France.
Cité dans :[SHEET356] A. HAMIDI, G. COQUERY, R. LALLEMAND, Effects of current density and chip temperature distribution on lifetime of high power IGBT modules in traction working conditions, European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis,
Auteur : Amina Hamidi (New Technologies Lab, Arcueil, Fr)
Auteur : Gérard Coquery
Auteur : Richard Lallemand

Source : Microelectronics and Reliability v 37 n 10-11 Oct-Nov 1997.
Pages : 1755 - 1758
ISSN : 0026-2714
Année : 1997
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Theoretical; Experimental
Language : English
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/HAMIDI3.pdf - 320 Ko, 4 pages.

Abstract :
This paper deals with ageing parameters of high power IGBT modules
in traction applications. Using the results of a great number of
power cycling tests on 400A modules, it shows that, in addition to
the junction temperature excursion, other parameters like the
maximal chip temperature and the current density are involved in
thermal fatigue failures. Besides, contact temperature measurements
achieved on IGBT chip surface in cycling conditions to localise the
maximal thermomechanical stress are presented and correlated with
modules failure analysis. The role of the current density in the
ageing process is finally shown by determining its influence on the
temperature gradient on chip surface.(Author abstract)

Accession_Number : 1998(1):1372

Index_Terms : Bipolar transistors; Current density; Temperature distribution; Electric traction; Thermal cycling; Temperature measurement; Thermal stress; Failure analysis; Thermal effects; Insulated gate bipolar transistor modules; Power cycling tests; Thermomechanical stress; Thermal fatigue failures



References : 4 Refs.

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