Process Innovation and
Process Intensification (PI)2 Conference

This is a form for the electronic creation of abstracts and for their transmission to the Engineering Foundation. The abstract will be expressed in a script language, HTML. HTML is written using the ASCII character set, the characters you can type on a standard keyboard using only the standard keys and the shift key. However there are 4 ASCII characters you cannot use: <, >, & and ". They are used as control characters in HTML. If you wish to use them and have them appear properly see A Brief Description of HTML.
This description also tells you how to create italics, generate a line break, generate a new paragraph and create superscripts and subscripts.

If you know HTML please do not insert any HTML controls other than those described in A Brief Description of HTML. This program is designed to produce abstracts with a common format and appearance. If you use e.g. font, centering or bold controls your abstract will be inconsistent with the others.

After you have filled out the form, click on the Display Sample Abstract Button and a screen will appear which contains your abstract as it will be printed by the Engineering Foundation. Proofread this sample carefully. If it needs changes, click on the back button of your browser and you will be returned to this page where you can edit your responses. You can do this any number of times. When it is satisfactory, click on the Submit to the Engineering Foundation button at the bottom of that screen and it will be submitted. You will receive a confirmation.

Please Consider For:
Oral Presentation
Poster Presentation

Title of the Presentation
Author (Primary Presenter)
Institution (Primary Presenter)
Postal Code
E-Mail Address

If there is more than one author. Fill in the entries at the bottom of this form.

Body of the Abstract
Indicate a new paragraph with the three symbol sequence <P> .

In this case use the < and > keys on your keyboard.
You may use the return key to generate a new line.

For further information see A Brief Description of HTML.
There is a 300 word limit to the length of the body of the abstract.
If you exceed this limit by more the 20 or 30 words the program will not accept it.

Be patient, the response time to the display of the sample abstract is dependent on the length of the abstract and is approximately 10 seconds/100 words.

Second Author
Institution (Second Author)
Third Author
Institution (Third Author)
Fourth Author
Institution (Fourth Author)
Fifth Author
Institution (Fifth Author)

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