A Brief Description of HTML

HTML is a script language. The basic formatting controls are included between the brackets < and >. Hence they cannot be used in the text except for this purpose. Two other HTML control characters you cannot use are & and ". If you wish to have any of these four characters appear in the text you must use character sequences called HTML entities instead. The correspondences are given in the following table.

Character HTML character entity
< &lt;
> &gt;
& &amp;
" &quot;

In the title or in the body of the abstract if you wish a sequence of characters to be italicized they must be bracketed with <i> and </i>. For example to create italics, enter <i>italics</i>. Be sure to remember the closing </i> or everything from there on will be italicized.

In the body of the abstract to create a new paragraph, enter <p>. To start a new line, enter <br>.

To create a superscript, bracket with <sup> and </sup>. To create a subscript, bracket with <sub> and </sub>.

If you know HTML please do not use other HTML control sequences. You will upset the automatic formatting implemented by the program.