Article : [SHEET372]
Info : INSPEC Answer Number 5, le 19/06/2000.
Titre : Main technological causes and some mechanisms of high power GTO's failures
Cité dans : [DATA146] LTN, Laboratoire des Technologies Nouvelles, INRETS, Arcueil, France.Auteur : Khatir, Z.
Source : Fifth International Conference on 'Power Electronics and Variable-Speed Drives' (Conf. Publ. No.399) London, UK: IEE, 1994. p.319-24 of xix+715 pp. 3 refs.
Conference : London, UK, 26-28 Oct 1994
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : Practical; Experimental
Info : Country of Publication : United Kingdom
Language : English
Stockage :
Abstract :
The necessity to compare the manufacturing qualities and their
evolution on the electrical performances and reliability point of
view requires these device valuations. The main neatness and
manufacturing defects which can cause GTO thyristor failures or at
least their electrical performance deterioration are described and
discussed. Neatness defects generally encountered are due to the
presence of metallic impurities which could lead to gate cathode
short-circuits whereas manufacturing defects are linked to the
fineness and care of device realization. The performance improvement
of high power GTOs requires more and more technologies and
realization care near the microelectronics ones. Some design choices
are discussed as regards their corresponding electrical
performances. Finally GTO failures observed at the INRETS laboratory
are discussed on the basis of the experimental measurements.
Accession_Number : 1994:4840244
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