R.L. DAVIES, J. PETRUZELLA, "P-N-P-N charge dynamics", 1967, procceding of IEEE, vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 1318-1330.
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Article : [SHEET353]

Titre : R.L. DAVIES, J. PETRUZELLA, P-N-P-N charge dynamics, 1967, procceding of IEEE, vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 1318-1330.

Cité dans :[THESE035]
Auteur : R.L. DAVIES

Lien : THESE035.HTM#Bibliographie - référence [52].
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU, le 21 juin 2000
Source : procceding of IEEE
Volume : 55
Numéro : 8
Pages : 1318 - 1330
Date : 1967

Abstract :
A simple unified charge model applicable to both unsaturated and saturated p-n-p-n dynamic behaviour
is analyzed. Expressions are obtained for three important dynamic conditions: di/dt prior to
saturation, voltage drop during tum-on, and reverse current during recovery. Comparison with
measurement shows that interdigitated gate p-n-p-n devices match one-dimensional turn-on theory and
closely approximate the behaviour of p-i-n rectifiers under similar pulsed conditions. The major
analytical simplifications of the one-dimensional theory are examined in the Appendixes.
The limitations imposed by these simplifications can be avoided by use of numerical integration



References : 17
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  [1] :  [PAP158]  -------
  [2] : [SHEET400] I.M. Macintosh, The electrical characteristics of silicon p-n-p-n triodes, Proc. IRE. vol. 46, pp. 1229-1235, june 1958.
  [3] :  [PAP158]  -------
  [4] :  [PAP158]  -------
  [5] :  [PAP158]  -------
  [6] :  [PAP158]  -------
  [7] : [SHEET401] T. Misawa, Turn-on transient of p-n-p-n triode, J. Electronics and Control, vol. 7, pp. 523-533, 1959.
  [8] :  [PAP158]  -------
  [9] :  [PAP158]  -------
 [10] : [SHEET399] K. Hubner, M. Melehy, R. L. Biesele, Uniform turn-on in four-layer diodes, IRE Trans. on Electron Devices, vol. ED-8, pp. 461-464, 1961.
 [11] :  [PAP159]  ...

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