Article : [SHEET344]
Titre : R. SATOH, K. ARAKAWA, M. HARADA, K. MATSUI, Thermal fatigue life of Pb-Sn alloy interconnections, IEEE Transactions on Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology, march 1991, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 224-232.
Cité dans :[SHEET326] Cité dans :[SHEET320]Auteur : Satoh R.
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/SATOH.pdf - 761 Ko, 9 pages.
Lien : SHEET326.HTM - référence [19]
Lien : SHEET320.HTM - référence [19]
Vers : Bibliographie
Source : Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology, IEEE Transactions on
Info : see also IEEE Trans. on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, Part A, B, C.
Pages : 224 - 232
Date : March 1991
Volume : 14
Issue : 1
ISSN : 0148-6411
Abstract :
A highly accurate estimation of Pb-Sn alloy solder thermal fatigue life is made for surface mount
solder joints. Experiments were carried out on Pb-5Sn and Pb-63Sn alloy solders under thermal cycle
conditions of -55 to 150 degrees C/cycle/h. The thermal fatigue fracture of Pb-Sn solder joints
develops when cracks, initially generated from large-scale plastic deformation of the solder,
gradually propagate through the joint. On the fracture surface, striations of 500 A to 1 mu m in
size were observed and crack propagation rates (da/dN) are obtained for these solders. Additionally,
thermal stress and strain in solder joints is studied by the finite element method (FEM) using
three-dimensional and thermoelastoplastic models. The equivalent strain range (based on the Mises
criterion), obtained by FEM, relates strongly to thermal fatigue life. A thermal fatigue life
equation relating crack propagation to bonding size and thermal strain range is developed.
Subject_terms :
thermal fatigue life estimation; 3D models; temperature cycling; surface mount solder joints;
thermal cycle conditions; thermal fatigue fracture; Pb-Sn solder joints; large-scale plastic deformation;
fracture surface; striations; crack propagation rates; thermal stress; finite element method;
thermoelastoplastic models; strain range; Mises criterion; thermal fatigue life equation; bonding size;
thermal strain range; -55 to 150 C; Pb-Sn alloy interconnections; environmental testing;
finite element analysis; lead alloys; life testing; reliability; soldering; surface mount technology;
thermal stress cracking; tin alloys
Accession_Number : 3931545
Bibliographie | ![]() |
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