Article : [SHEET320]
Titre : V. SARIHAN, Energy based methodology for damage and life prediction of solder joints under thermal cycling, Proceedings of the 43rd Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 1993, pp. 32-38.
Cité dans : [DATA062] Recherche sur les auteurs COFFIN et MANSON, octobre 2001. Cité dans : [CONF038] ECTC, Electronic Components and Technology Conference et IEEE Electronic Components and Technology, mars 2004. Cité dans :[SHEET326] V. SARIHAN, Energy based methodology for damage and life prediction of solder joints under thermal cycling, IEEE Components and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 17, pp. 626-631, 1994.Auteur : Vijay Sarihan - Adv. Packaging Dev. Center, Motorola Inc., Phoenix, AZ, USA
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/SARIHAN2.pdf - 339 Ko, 7 pages.
Source : Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 1993. Proceedings., 43rd
Pages : 32 - 38
Date : 1-4 June 1993
ISBN : 0-7803-0794-1
Info : Total Pages : xvii+1166 ; IEEE Catalog Number: 93CH3205-2
Logiciel : oui
Abstract :
Thermal fatigue of solder joints is critical to electronic
package performance and life considerations. It is also difficult
to predict because of complex time-temperature dependence of
solder behavior. Strain based solder fatigue description, like
Coffin-Manson, are not adequate as the fatigue life of the solder
may also be function of stresses. When the relationship between
stress and strain is not unique, which is the case here because
of strain rate dependence, a Coffin Manson type of strain based
correlation will be valid only over a limited range. A nonlinear
finite element method (FEM) based simulation methodology, has
been developed, for predicting the life of solder joints when
subjected to thermal cycling. This methodology uses a hysteresis
energy based damage function approach for damage and fatigue life
prediction of the solder joint. The nonlinear solder behavior
response inclusive of elastic, time independent plastic and time
dependent viscoplastic response is accounted for. The methodology
has been used for correlating the fatigue life of flip chip
package designs with silicon die, alumina substrate and 95Pb5%Sn
peripheral bumps subjected to thermal cycling. Two different bump
designs and six temperature cycles with different ramp and dwell
times were used from the literature to correlate the life
prediction methodology with experimentally determined mean cycles
to failure. A multiple cycle response was simulated to determine
the stable cycle response. The observed correlation between the
hysteresis energy based damage function and experimentally
determined fatigue life is extremely encouraging.
Subject_terms :
thermal stress cracking; hysteresis; finite element analysis;
packaging; circuit reliability; flip-chip devices; soldering;
simulation; damage prediction; fatigue life prediction; solder
joints; thermal cycling; thermal fatigue; electronic package
performance; solder fatigue; strain rate dependence; nonlinear
FEM based simulation methodology; nonlinear finite element
method; hysteresis energy based damage function; nonlinear solder
behavior response; viscoplastic response; flip chip package
designs; alumina substrate; Si die; 95Pb5%Sn peripheral bumps;
Pd-Sn; Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/; Si
Accession_Number : 4823383
References : 21, voir dans :
[1] : [SHEET326] V. SARIHAN, Energy based methodology for damage and life prediction of solder joints under thermal cycling, IEEE Components and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 17, pp. 626-631, 1994.
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