Article : [SHEET308]
Titre : B. WONG, D.E. HELLING, R.W. CLARK, A creep-rupture model for two-phase eutectic solders, Sept. 1988.
Cité dans :[SHEET141]Auteur : Wong, B.
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/HELLING1.pdf - 648 Ko, 7 pages.
Source : Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology, IEEE Transactions on
Info : see also IEEE Trans. on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, Part A, B, C.
Pages : 284 - 290
Date : Sept. 1988
Volume : . 11 Issue: 3
ISSN : 0148-6411
Abstract :
An analytical framework to predict failure of solders under creep
conditions is proposed. A creep-rupture model for two-phase
eutectic solders, based on both micromechanics and fracture
mechanics, has been developed. The general agreement between the
model predictions and reported creep-rupture data in the
literature for lead/tin eutectic solder indicates that the mode
and mechanisms proposed in the model may control the solder
creep-rupture process.
Subject_terms :
creep-rupture model; two-phase eutectic solders; failure; creep
conditions; micromechanics; fracture mechanics; Pb-Sn; creep
fracture; soldering
Accession_Number : 3291562
References : 46
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