Article : [SHEET275]
Titre : H. BLEICHNER, M. ROSLING, M. BAKOWSKI, J. VOBECKY, Measurements of failure phenomena in inductively loaded multi-cathode GTO thyristors, IEEE Trans. on Electron. Devices, vol. 41, No. 2, 1994, pp. 251-257.
Cité dans : [DIV203] Recherche sur les mots clés THYRISTOR* et DUAL*, le 30 mars 2001. Cité dans :[SHEET155]Auteur : Bleichner H.
Lien : SHEET155.HTM#Bibliographie - référence [4]
Source : IEEE Trans. on Electron. Devices, vol. 41, No. 2.
Date : 1994
Pages : 251-257.
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/BLEICHNER.pdf - 583 Ko, 7 pages.
ISSN : 0018-9383
Abstract :
The free-carrier absorption (FCA) technique is used for mapping
of the carrier content in a dual-cathode gate turn-off thyristor
(GTO) at different stages of the turn-off cycle. The FCA
technique outputs 3-D maps based on 2-D measurements of local
carrier concentration. The measurements are time resolved, thus
making a transient response converted into a corresponding
sequence of carrier maps. The dual-cathode device is shown to be
sufficient for determining the transient behavior in a
multicathode structure. The destruction mechanism and reasons for
turn-off failure are investigated. The GTO device is inductively
loaded and asymmetrically gate contacted in order to emulate a
realistic mode of operation. The gate-driving conditions are
altered, and the importance of the turn-off gain for turn-off
failure is established. The case of equal ON-state cathode
currents in both segments is particularly highlighted. The
influence of snubber circuits is also discussed.
Subjet_terms :
thyristors; carrier density; transient response; failure
analysis; semiconductor device testing; failure phenomena;
inductively loaded type; multicathode GTO thyristors;
free-carrier absorption technique; dual-cathode type; gate
turnoff thyristor; 2D measurements; 3D maps; local carrier
concentration; transient response; destruction mechanism; turnoff
failure; asymmetrically gate contacted structure; gate-driving
conditions; turn-off gain; snubber circuits
Accession_Number : 4655144
References : 15
[1] : [LIVRE033] S.M. SZE, Modern semiconducteurs device physics, Willey-interscience, Nov 1997.
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