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Article : [SHEET240]

Info : COMPENDEX Answer Number 16, le 16/03/2000.


Cité dans : [DATA049] Recherche sur l'auteur Dante E. PICCONE, mars 2000.
Auteur : Houston, Douglas E. (GE Corp Res & Dev Cent, Schenectady, NY)
Auteur : Krishna, Surinder
Auteur : Piccone, Dante E.
Auteur : Finke, Ronald J.
Auteur : Sun, Y.S

Source : IEEE Trans Electron Devices v ED-23 n 8
Date : Aug 1976
Pages : 905 - 911
Année : 1976
Language : English
Stockage :

Abstract :
The field terminated diode (FTD) is a new medium power switching
element which meets the important criteria of a switching thyristor: fast
switching and low conduction losses. Two types of devices are described,
the FTD itself, which is used in commutated turn off applications, and a
gate turn off variation of the FTD called the field controlled thyristor
(FCT). These are three terminal devices, and forward blocking is achieved
by applying a reverse bias to the grid with respect to the cathode;
reverse blocking is accomplished at the anode junction. Both devices are
described, and their performance is compared to that of transistors and
conventional switching thyristors. 19 refs.

Accession_Number : 1977(9):7511

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