"SEU sensitive depth in a submicron SRAM technology", 1997.
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Article : [SHEET183]

Titre : SEU sensitive depth in a submicron SRAM technology, 1997.

Cité dans :[THESE071] E. LORFEVRE, Défaillances induites par les rayonnements ionisants dans les composants de puissance IGBT et VIP. Solutions de durcissement, thèse de Doctorat, Montpellier, 30 octobre 1998.
Auteurs : Detcheverry, C.; Ecoffet, R.; Duzellier, S.; Lorfevre, E.; Bruguier, G.; - Barak, J.; Lifshitz, Y.; Palau, J.M.; Casiot, J.
Univ. des Sci. et Tech. du Languedoc, Montpellier, France

Appears_in : Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on
Page : 1612 - 1616
Date : was Held : 15-19 Sept. 1997
Info : June 1998 Vol. 45 Issue: 3 Part: 3 ISSN: 0018-9499
References : 14
Accession_Number : 5955869
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/LORFEVR2.pdf - 449 Ko.

Abstract :
This work determines experimentally and by simulation the SEU
sensitive depth in a 0.6 /spl mu/m SRAM technology. A good
correlation is obtained between the two studies in the case of
heavy ions depositing energy close to the critical energy. Other
simulation results complete the first investigation by studying
the minimum sensitive depth for ions depositing higher energies
(at greater LET).

Subjet_terms :
SRAM chips; SEU sensitive depth; submicron SRAM technology; heavy
ion irradiation; energy deposition; critical energy; simulation;
LET; 0.6 micron

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