Revue : [REVUE412]
Titre : IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 50, Issue 2, April 2003.
Cité dans : [DIV369] Les revues IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, novembre 2005.
Volume : 50
Issue : 2
Date : Apr 2003
Online identification of induction machine electrical parameters for vector control loop tuning
Telford, D.; Dunnigan, M.W.; Williams, B.W.
Page(s): 253- 261
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (638 KB)]
A novel technique for estimation and control of stator flux of a salient-pole PMSM in DTC method based on MTPF
Faiz, J.; Mohseni-Zonoozi, S.H.
Page(s): 262- 271
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (790 KB)]
Design and analysis of a plug-in robust compensator: an application to indirect-field-oriented-control induction machine drives
Wai-Chuen Gan; Li Qiu
Page(s): 272- 282
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (749 KB)]
Estimation of the flux linkage in a direct-torque-controlled drive
Luukko, J.; Niemela, M.; Pyrhonen, J.
Page(s): 283- 287
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (322 KB)]
An extended electromotive force model for sensorless control of interior permanent-magnet synchronous motors
Zhiqian Chen; Tomita, M.; Doki, S.; Okuma, S.
Page(s): 288- 295
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (502 KB)]
Online multiple-model-based fault diagnosis and accommodation
Yen, G.G.; Liang-Wei Ho
Page(s): 296- 312
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (1288 KB)]
A novel open-loop control method for a current-source active power filter
Salo, M.; Tuusa, H.
Page(s): 313- 321
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (475 KB)]
Harmonic reducer converter
Garcia, O.; Martinez-Avial, M.D.; Cobos, J.A.; Uceda, J.; Gonzalez, J.; Navas, J.A.
Page(s): 322- 327
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (502 KB)]
A modular single-phase power-factor-correction scheme with a harmonic filtering function
Sangsun Kim; Enjeti, P.N.
Page(s): 328- 335
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (708 KB)]
Nonlinear-control strategy for the half-bridge series-resonant inverter
Chien-Ming Wang; Guan-Chyun Hsieh
Page(s): 336- 348
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (1065 KB)]
A new time-domain discontinuous space-vector PWM technique in overmodulation region
Hee-Jhung Park; Myung-Joong Youn
Page(s): 349- 355
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (459 KB)]
An AC/DC converter with high power factor
Ochiai, M.; Matsuo, H.
Page(s): 356- 361
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (487 KB)]
[1] : [ART414] M. OCHIAI, H. MATSUO, An AC/DC Converter With High Power Factor, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 50, No. 2, April 2003, pp. 356-361.
Using immunology principles for fault detection
Branco, P.J.C.; Dente, J.A.; Mendes, R.V.
Page(s): 362- 373
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (766 KB)]
Positioning performance and straightness error compensation of the magnetic levitation stage supported by the linear magnetic bearing
Oui-Serg Kim; Sang-Ho Lee; Dong-Chul Han
Page(s): 374- 378
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (548 KB)]
Laminated magnetic flux sensor for thick-steel-plate control
Ki-Hyeon Park; Dong Eon Kim; Seong-Hoon Jeong; Bongkoo Kang
Page(s): 379- 384
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (380 KB)]
Speed alteration strategy for multijoint robots in co-working environment
Kao-Shing Hwang; Ming-Yi Ju; Yu-Jen Chen
Page(s): 385- 393
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (724 KB)]
Development of a mechatronics laboratory-eliminating barriers to manufacturing instrumentation and control
Ghone, M.; Schubert, M.; Wagner, J.R.
Page(s): 394- 397
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (424 KB)]
An efficient multitarget tracking algorithm for car applications
Moon-Sik Lee; Yong-Hoon Kim
Page(s): 397- 399
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (304 KB)]
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