Revue : [REVUE411]
Titre : IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume 18, Issue 2, March 2003.
Cité dans : [DIV367] Les revues IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, août 2013.
Volume : 18
Issue : 2
Date : March 2003
A high performance amplitude/phase modulated digital-to-synchro switching power converters
Changrong Liu; Huijie Yu; Smith, C.; Jih-Sheng Lai; Black, J.E., Jr.; Gander, J.L.
Page(s): 509- 516
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (816 KB)]
Generic control method of multileg voltage-source-converters for fast practical implementation
Delarue, P.; Bouscayrol, A.; Semail, E.
Page(s): 517- 526
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (641 KB)]
[1] : [ART413] P. DELARUE, A. BOUSCAYROL, E. SEMAIL, Generic Control Method of Multileg Voltage-Source-Converters for Fast Practical Implementation, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 18, No. 2, March 2003, pp. 517-526.
Adaptive high bandwidth current control for induction machines
Telford, D.; Dunnigan, M.W.; Williams, B.W.
Page(s): 527- 538
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (1074 KB)]
A novel, robust DSP-based indirect rotor position estimation for permanent
magnet AC motors without rotor saliency
Li Ying; Ertugrul, N.
Page(s): 539- 546
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (479 KB)]
Design and experimental results of an input-current-shaper based electronic
Calleja, A.J.; Alonso, J.M.; Ribas, J.; Corominas, E.L.; Rico-Secades, M.; Sebastian,
Page(s): 547- 557
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (824 KB)]
Analysis and design of a high power factor, single-stage electronic ballast for
high-intensity discharge lamps
Martin, F.J.F.; Viejo, C.B.; Anton, J.C.A.; Garcia, M.A.P.; Rico-Secades, M.; Alonso,
Page(s): 558- 569
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (1245 KB)]
Magnetic noise reduction of induction machines
Cassoret, B.; Corton, R.; Roger, D.; Brudny, J.-F.
Page(s): 570- 579
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (698 KB)]
Speed sensorless stator flux-oriented control of induction machine in the
field weakening region
Myoung-Ho Shin; Dong-Seok Hyun
Page(s): 580- 586
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (643 KB)]
Fault detection of open-switch damage in voltage-fed PWM motor drive
de Araujo Ribeiro, R.L.; Jacobina, C.B.; da Silva, E.R.C.; Lima, A.M.N.
Page(s): 587- 593
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (591 KB)]
Automatic control of excitation parameters for switched-reluctance motor
Sozer, Y.; Torrey, D.A.; Mese, E.
Page(s): 594- 603
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (802 KB)]
Space vector pulse width modulation of three-level inverter extending
operation into overmodulation region
Mondal, S.K.; Bose, B.K.; Oleschuk, V.; Pinto, J.O.P.
Page(s): 604- 611
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (797 KB)]
Integrator-based linearizing pulsewidth modulator for three-phase inverters
Ngo, K.D.T.; Jun Chen
Page(s): 612- 618
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (681 KB)]
Dynamic average-value modeling of a four-level drive system
Corzine, K.; Xiaomin Kou; Baker, J.R.
Page(s): 619- 627
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (618 KB)]
A multidimensional variable band flux modulator for four-phase-leg voltage
source inverters
Poh Chiang Loh; Holmes, D.G.
Page(s): 628- 635
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (969 KB)]
Filters with active tuning for power applications
Phinney, J.; Perreault, D.J.
Page(s): 636- 647
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (523 KB)]
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»Table of Contents
Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on
Volume: 18, Issue: 2, Year: Mar 2003
A forward converter topology with independently and precisely regulated
multiple outputs
Youhao Xi; Jain, P.K.
Page(s): 648- 658
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (818 KB)]
Improved small-signal analysis for the phase-shifted PWM power converter
Schutten, M.J.; Torrey, D.A.
Page(s): 659- 669
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (799 KB)]
Integrated magnetic full wave converter with flexible output inductor
Liang Yan; Dayu Qu; Lehman, B.
Page(s): 670- 678
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (555 KB)]
Analysis of the class AD audio amplifier including hysteresis effects
Ginart, A.E.; Bass, R.M.; Leach, W.M., Jr.; Habetler, T.G.
Page(s): 679- 685
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (549 KB)]
Essential-coupling-path models for non-contact EMI in switching power
converters using lumped circuit elements
Poon, N.K.; Pong, B.M.H.; Liu, C.P.; Tse, C.K.
Page(s): 686- 695
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (772 KB)]
Optimized piezoelectric energy harvesting circuit using step-down converter
in discontinuous conduction mode
Ottman, G.K.; Hofmann, H.F.; Lesieutre, G.A.
Page(s): 696- 703
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (652 KB)]
A novel high-performance utility-interactive photovoltaic inverter system
Shimizu, T.; Hashimoto, O.; Kimura, G.
Page(s): 704- 711
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (810 KB)]
2002 Reviewers List
Page(s): 712- 714
[Abstract] [PDF Full-Text (143 KB)]
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