Elsevier Science, "Microelectronics Reliability, Volume 36, Issue 2, Pages 121-282 (February 1996.
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Titre : Elsevier Science, Microelectronics Reliability, Volume 36, Issue 2, Pages 121-282 (February 1996.

Cité dans : [DATA197] Les revues Microelectronics Reliability et Microelectronics Journal, ELSEVIER, décembre 2004.
Auteur : Elsevier Science

Volume : 36, Issue 2,
Pages : 121-282 (February 1996)
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[1] : Optimized carry lookahead adders with direct feeding, Pages 121-132
Marek J. PatyraSun YiClark Thomborson
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (589 K)

[2] : A mixed poisson model and its application to attribute testing data, Pages
W. XieM. XieT. N. Goh
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (243 K)

[3] : On the transient analysis of a maintained system subject to random
stresses, Pages 141-149
M. N. Gopalan and P. R. Sadananda Rao
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (302 K)

[4] : Reliability of a connected-(r1, s1)-or- (r2, s2)-or- . . -or-(rk,
sk)-out-of-(m,n):F lattice system, Pages 151-168
H. Yamamoto
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (493 K)

[5] : Availability analysis of a robot with safety system, Pages 169-177
B. S. Dhillon and N. Yang
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (234 K)

[6] : On a vacation queue with instantaneous customer loss, Pages 179-188
K. C. Madan
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (223 K)

[7] : 1/f noise as a prediction of long-term instability in integrated
operational amplifiers, Pages 189-193
Yiqi Zhuang and Qing Sun
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (272 K)

[8] : Succession-dependent shock models, Pages 195-197
M. S. Finkelstein
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (174 K)

[9] : Downtime of the service station in M/G/1 queueing system with repairable
service station, Pages 199-202
Hui Tang Ying
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (181 K)

[10] : Analytical solution of the state-dependent erlangian queue: M/Ej/1/N with
balking, Pages 203-206
R. O. Al-Seedy
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (156 K)

[11] : Understanding and applying deming's primary concept of profound knowledge,
Pages : 207-211
Ronald P. Anjard
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (363 K)

[12] : Re-engineering basics: one of three, new, special tools for management,
quality and all other professionals, Pages 213-222
Ronald P. Anjard
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (747 K)

[13] : Process mapping: one of three, new, special quality tools for management,
quality and all other professionals, Pages 223-225
Ronald P. Anjard
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (195 K)

[14] : Optimum life cycle and labour costs estimation of repairable equipment,
Pages : 227-229
B. S. Dhillon
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (141 K)

[15] : Repair system where the repairmen change depending on the failed machines,
Pages : 231-234
Mitsuo Yamashiro and Yasunobu Yuasa
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (180 K)

[16] : A statistical approach for performance evaluation of 386 and 486
microprocessors, Pages 235-239
Ibrahim Akman
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (307 K)

[17] : Global reliability of three-state systems, Pages 241-242
Brijendra Singh
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (119 K)

[18] : Stochastic behavior of a two-unit cold standby redundant system subject to
random failure, Pages 243-246
Pour Darvish Hyderi and J. P. Singh Joorel
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (194 K)

[19] : Configurations of series-parallel networks with maximum reliability, Pages
Walter J. Gutjahr and Georg Ch. PflugAndrzej Ruszczyski
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (416 K)

[20] : On the characteristics of a system having master and helping unit, Pages
S. K. Singh and Sheeba G. Nair
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (191 K)

[21] : The two-dimensional model for the base surface current in integrated
bipolar transistors and its applications, Pages 261-264
Cezhou Zhao, Desheng Zhang and Baohua Shi
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (208 K)

[22] : Some characteristics on a finite queue with normal partial and total
failures, Pages 265-267
V. Sridharan and P. J. Jayashree
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (142 K)

[23] : On the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator of availability with
type I censored data, Pages 269-271
Hare Krishna and K. K. Sharma
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (114 K)

[24] : Probabilistic analysis of a two-unit cold standby system with instructions
at need, Pages 273-277
Ashok Kumar, Suresh K. Gupta and Gulshan Taneja
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (180 K)

[25] : Two-non-identical unit-system with priority-based repair and inspection,
Pages : 279-282
R. K. Agnihotri and S. K. Satsangi
Lien : vide.pdf - | Journal Format-PDF (148 K)

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