AMD&C, "Automation - Motion, Drives & Control", septembre 2000.
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Titre : AMD&C, Automation - Motion, Drives & Control, septembre 2000.
Cité dans : [DIV039] Liste de revues diverses en électronique, avril 2016.
Date : septembre 2000
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU (LMP)

News 4
SafetyBUS p -standardising safety 6
HMI terminals, ongoing trends and future direction 10
A common visualisation strategy across the enterprise 14
"TWo ways" are opening up a new horizon 18
"Environment variable" for computer systems redefined 20
LabVIEW 6i 24
AS- Interface according to the new specification 2.1 26
Online Quality control of steel strips 28
Open PC motion control systems and FireWire 30
Global players demand open systems 34
New Products 36
Advertisers Index 39
Why is a conventional fieldbus not safe? What does SafetyBUS do that
makes it safer than other buses in critical applications and how does
it work? Pilz describes in detail the function principle of its flagship
and also presents a few applications to clarify its message.
Page 6
The application of HMI terminals in the automation industry has
been growing rapidly over the past few years. Omron was the first
company to introduce operator terminals with touch screen, and is
now one of the leading suppliers in the HMI-market area.
Omron takes a look at a future which it believes to be one of the most
dynamic and challenging in the automation industry as the
HMI terminal is on the edge between the control area and the
information area.
Page 10
American food processing and packaging machine makers are joining forces
to push through the establishment of a common communication standard in
automation of their machines. All signs are pointing towards SERCOS.
This development will also affect the European automation market.
Page 34
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