PCIM Europe, "Power Electronic - Components - Technology - Applications - Systems", no 05/2000.
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Titre : PCIM Europe, Power Electronic - Components - Technology - Applications - Systems, no 05/2000.
Cité dans : [DIV039] Liste de revues diverses en électronique, avril 2016.
Auteur : ZM Communication, http://www.zm-com.com
Issue : mai 2000
Lien : Pcim0500.jpg - 63 Ko, image.
Stockage : Bibliothèque LMP

Innovative IGBT module concepts for inverter technique 10
MOSFETs for best performance at highand low voltages 18
Info : MDMmesh, STripFET, from Brian E. Taylor STMicroelectronics
UMOS-2 technology targets the automotive 42 V power net 52
DC/DC converter technology for processor requirements 56
Application-specific smart power switching regulators 60
Regulation and transient measurement by digital scopes 62
Efficient power analysis of PWM motor drive systems 66
The new approach to fuse AC advanced power converters 68
New Products 70
Advertisers Index 72
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