Article : [PAP262]
Titre : S. MUSUMECI, A. RACITI, A. TESTA, A. GALLUZZO, M. MELITO, Switching-behavior improvement of insulated gate-controlled devices, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 1997.
Cité dans : [DIV218] Recherche sur l'auteur Nadir IDIR, le 11 mai 2001. Cité dans : [DIV007] Classement par type de Congrés et de revues IEEE, avril 2003. Cité dans :[PAP260]Auteur : Musumeci, S.
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/MUSUMECI.pdf - 232 Ko, 9 pages.
Source : Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on
Pages : 645 - 653
Date : July 1997
Volume : 12
Issue : 4
ISSN : 0885-8993
References : 10
Accession_Number : 5641071
Abstract :
MOSFETs and insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) devices are
increasingly used in electronic circuits due to both their easy
driving and ability to handle high currents and voltages at
high-switching frequencies. This paper deals with a new driver
technique that allows optimization of the switching speed,
reduction of the energy losses during the switching time, and
limitation of the electromagnetic interference (EMI). First, an
analysis of voltage- and current-switching waveforms of
gate-insulated devices is performed. Then, a method of
controlling voltage and current slopes independently is shown
using the "one-cycle" method or a suitable adaptive-driving
technique based on a phase-locked loop (PLL) approach. These
techniques were adopted in order to allow correct generation of
the gate signals regardless of the operating conditions. Finally,
practical results of the proposed driving circuit obtained using
a single IGBT switch chopper are presented.
Subject_terms :
power MOSFET; insulated gate-controlled devices; switching
behavior improvement; power MOSFETs; power IGBTs; power
electronic circuits; switching speed optimisation; energy losses
reduction; EMI limitation; voltage-switching waveforms;
current-switching waveforms; one-cycle method; phase-locked loop;
gate signal generation; operating conditions; chopper circuit
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