Article : [PAP183]
Info : ANSWER 27, le 29/01/2001.
Titre : R.P. BURGOS, F.F. ZAPATA, E.P. WIECHMANN, L.D. SALAZAR, Power converter analysis and design using Matlab: A transfer function approach, ISIE'98, july 1998, pp. 552-557.
Cité dans : [DIV175] Recherche sur les mots clés DESIGN et STATIC et CONVERTER. Cité dans : [CONF003] ISIE, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, septembre 2009.Auteur : Burgos, Rolando P. (Univ of Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile)
Meeting : Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE.Part 2 (of 2).
Location : Pretoria, S Afr
Date : 07 Jul 1998-10 Jul 1998
Source : IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics v 2 1998. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA,98TH8357.
Pages : 552 - 557
Année : 1998
Info : Meeting_Number : 49113
Language : English
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/BURGOS2.pdf - 516 Ko, 6 pages.
Abstract :
The design and steady state analysis of static power converters has
usually been realized in the time domain.This approach however is
subject to numerical convergence problems and long simulation times,
which worsen as the converter's switching frequency increases.This
paper proposes a novel design and steady state analysis method to
overcome these problems using Matlab.The method is based on the
Fourier Transform (FT) and a generalized converter transfer
function.Thus obtains steady state results without requiring the
transient power-up, neither the circuit components' initial
conditions.The FT and converter transfer function are used to model
and solve the converter in the frequency domain.Desired variables
are then obtained in the time domain using the inverse FT.The method
eliminates numerical problems and reduces simulation times
significantly.For example, the simulation of a PWM voltage source
inverter operating at 5 kHz takes 320 times longer in PSpice than in
the proposed method.It also presents a minor processing time
dependency from the converter's switching frequency.The paper
includes a detailed presentation of the proposed method, a complete
analysis example using Matlab 4.02, together with an evaluation
comparing it to conventional simulating techniques.Finally,
experimental results with a 10 kVA ac motor drive are presented to
validate the proposed analysis and design method.(Author abstract)
Références : 14 Refs. ???
Accession_Number : 1998(50):3203 COMPENDEX
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Abstract :
The design and steady-state analysis of static power converters
has usually been realized in the time domain. This approach
however is subject to numerical convergence problems and long
simulation times, which worsen as the converter's switching
frequency increases. This paper proposes a novel design and
steady-state analysis method to overcome these problems using
Matlab. The method is based on the Fourier transform (FT) and a
generalized converter transfer function. Thus obtains
steady-state results without requiring the transient power-up,
neither the circuit components' initial conditions. The FT and
converter transfer function are used to model and solve the
converter in the frequency domain. Desired variables are then
obtained in the time domain using the inverse FT. The method
eliminates numerical problems and reduces simulation times
significantly. For example, the simulation of a PWM voltage
source inverter operating at 5 kHz takes 320 times longer in
PSpice than in the proposed method. It also presents a minor
processing time dependency from the converter's switching
frequency. The paper includes a detailed presentation of the
proposed method, a complete analysis example using Matlab 4.02,
together with an evaluation comparing it to conventional
simulating techniques. Finally, experimental results with a 10
kVA AC motor drive are presented to validate the proposed
analysis and design method.
Subject_terms :
DC-AC power convertors; static power converters; circuit
analysis; circuit design; Matlab 4.02; transfer function
approach; steady-state analysis; convergence problems; simulation
times; switching frequency; Fourier transform; frequency domain;
time domain; PWM voltage source inverter; AC motor drive; 5 kHz;
10 kVA
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