Article : [PAP182]
Info : ANSWER 26, le 29/01/2001.
Titre : N.K. MEDORA, A. KUSKO, Computer-aided design of power harmonic filters, IAS Annual Meeting, October 1998, pp. 1181-1189.
Cité dans : [DIV175] Recherche sur les mots clés DESIGN et STATIC et CONVERTER.Auteur : Medora, Noshirwan K. (Exponent Failure Analysis Associates, Natick, MA, USA)
Meeting : Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Industry Applications Conference.Part 2 (of 3).
Location : St.Louis, MO, USA
Date : 12 Oct 1998-15 Oct 1998
Source : Conference Record - IAS Annual Meeting (IEEE Industry Applications Society) v 2 1998.IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA,98CH36242.
Pages : 1181 - 1189
ISSN : 0197-2618
Année : 1998
Info : Meeting_Number : 49387
Language : English
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/MEDORA.pdf - 578 Ko.
Abstract :
Power-harmonic filters for rectifiers, motor drives, and UPS are
usually designed by characterizing currents and voltages by their
harmonic components.Usually, no attempt is made to determine the
effect of switching of the filters, or of the system operation
during a fault in the filter.A superior design method is to use
modeling tools to characterize the currents and voltages by their
instantaneous values as a function of time.Computer modeling using
PSpice is a suitable alternative.In the computer modeling approach,
the filter load, for example, a 6-pulse phase-controlled converter
can be represented accurately.Switching of the power-harmonic
filters can be accurately represented to determine the turn-on
transients.Effect of unbalanced system operation with one filter
phase open can be determined.A computer model of an elevator drive
system using a full compliment 6-pulse phase controlled converter
with 5th and 7th harmonic tuned filters, connected to an enhanced dc
machine model is presented. Resulting waveforms show that the
computer model can accurately simulate the static and dynamic
characteristics of the entire elevator drive system for four test
conditions in just one simulation run.(Author abstract)
References : 10 Refs.
Accession_Number : 1999(7):4322 COMPENDEX
Information from Catagne | ![]() |
Abstract :
Power harmonic filters for rectifiers, motor drives and UPS are
usually designed by characterizing currents and voltages by their
harmonic components. Usually, no attempt is made to determine the
effect of switching of the filters, or of the system operation
during a fault in the filter. A superior design method is to use
modeling tools to characterize the currents and voltages by their
instantaneous values as a function of time, computer modeling
using PSpice(R) is a suitable alternative. In the computer
modeling approach, the filter load, for example, of a six-pulse
phase-controlled converter can be represented accurately.
Switching of the power harmonic filters can be accurately
represented to determine the turn-on transients. Effect of
unbalanced system operation with one filter phase open can be
determined. A computer model of an elevator drive system using a
full compliment 6-pulse phase controlled converter with 5/sup th/
and 7/sup th/ harmonic tuned filters, connected to an enhanced DC
machine model is presented. Resulting waveforms show that the
computer model can accurately simulate the static and dynamic
characteristics of the entire elevator drive system for four test
conditions in just one simulation run.
Subject_terms :
power harmonic filters; power harmonic filters CAD; rectifiers;
motor drives; UPS; computer modelling tools; PSpice; six-pulse
phase-controlled power converter; filter load; turn-on
transients; elevator DC motor drive system; static
characteristics; dynamic characteristics
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