Titre : A general approach for the analysis of the input power quality in matrix converters
Auteurs : Casadei, D.; Serra, G.; Tani, A. Dipt. di Ingegneria Elettrica, Bologna Univ., Italy
Revue : Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on
Pages : 882 - 891
Date : Sept. 1998, Vol. 13, Issue: 5, ISSN: 0885-8993
Réf. : 16
Accession_Number: 6030740
Abstract :
In this paper, a general approach based on a linearized analysis is employed in order to determine the matrix converter
performance in terms of input-current quality. Considering input disturbances such as voltage unbalance and voltage distortion as
a linear deviation from the fundamental harmonic component, it is possible to evaluate analytically the input-current harmonic
content. It is emphasized that the input-current frequency spectrum is affected by the input-current modulation strategy
employed. By using an optimal dynamic modulation strategy, it is possible to minimize the input-current harmonic content. Some
numerical results are given to confirm the analytical solutions.
Subject_Terms :
AC-AC power convertors; input power quality analysis; matrix converter performance; input-current quality; input disturbances;
voltage unbalance; voltage distortion; linear deviation; fundamental harmonic component; input-current harmonic content minimisation;
input-current modulation strategy; optimal dynamic modulation strategy; AC-AC converters; harmonic distortion; harmonic analysis;
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