Titre : Reduction of the input current harmonic content in matrix converters under input/output unbalance
Auteurs : Casadei, D.; Serra, G.; Tani, A. Dept. di Ingegneria Electr., Bologna Univ., Italy
Revue : Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on
Pages : 401 - 411
Date : June 1998, Vol. 45, Issue: 3, ISSN: 0278-0046
Réf. : 14
Accession_Number : 5933764
Abstract :
This paper deals with the performance evaluation of space-vector-modulated matrix power converters under input and
output unbalanced conditions. Two control strategies of the input current displacement angle are presented and compared in order to
emphasize their influence on the input current harmonic content. The first is based on keeping the input current vector in phase
with the input voltage vector. In the second, the input current displacement angle is dynamically modulated as a function of
positive- and negative-sequence components of the input voltages. In both cases, the harmonic content and the three-phase RMS value
of the input current have been evaluated analytically. The input current harmonic spectrum is quite different for the two control
strategies and can be related to the input and output unbalance. It has been verified that, in the usual case of balanced output
conditions, using the second method, it is possible to eliminate the harmonic components of the input current. Some numerical
simulations are presented to confirm the analytical results.
Subject_Terms :
AC-AC power convertors; matrix power converters; performance evaluation; space-vector-modulated; input current harmonic content;
input/output unbalance; control strategies; input current displacement angle; input current vector; input voltage vector;
positive-sequence components; negative-sequence components; three-phase RMS input current; input current harmonic spectrum;
balanced output conditions; harmonic components elimination; numerical simulations
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