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2002 Registration
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The Catamaran Resort Hotel is on Mission Bay, and one block from the Pacific Ocean.  San Diego typically has fabulous weather, which complements the Catamaran’s luxurious Hawaiian decor.  The hotel grounds are beautifully lush with colorful fish and tropical birds. 

Wednesday (12/4/2002) through Friday (12/6/2002).  


Single Rate

Double Rate

Triple Rate

Quad Rate






A limited number of rooms are available for a Saturday night (12/7/2002) stay over as well.  Book EARLY!

A limited number of government room rates starting at $99.00 are available for qualified attendees dependent upon availability and the conference pick-up.  

Identify yourself with the "IEEE-SISC" to get these rates.

Contact Information:  

Catamaran Resort Hotel
3999 Mission Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92109
Phone Reservations:  1-800-422-8386 or 1-858-488-1081
FAX Reservations: 1-858-488-1387

Additional reservation information: