Banner for the conference

Important information: Thanks to everyone who attended EPE'11. We hope you enjoyed it! Photos are now available to view - please see the link on the "Home" page.


EPE logo


IEEE logo


PELS logo
PELS (IEEE Power Electronics Society)

Gold Sponsors  


Silver Sponsors


Mitsubishi logo
Mitsubishi Electric Europe




Contributor Sponsors

PPM logo


PPM Power


Dynex logo
Conekt logo

MDL Technologies


UTRC logo

United Technologies Research Center






Other Sponsors

Star Alliance logo


Star Alliance



Technical Sponsors

ACPE logo

Australasia: The Australian Committee for Power Engineering - ACPE


AIM logo Belgium: The Association des Ingenieurs Electriciens sortis de l'Institut Montefiore - AIM
CES logo Czech Republic: The Czech Electrotechnical Society - CES
ECPE logo International: The European Center for Power Electronics - ECPE
IAS logo International: The IEEE Industry Applications Society - IAS
IES logo International: The IEEE Industrial Electronics Society - IES
IET logo United Kingdom: The Institution of Engineering and Technology - IET
KIPE logo Korea: The Korean Institute of Power Electronics - KIPE
KIVI NIRIA logo The Netherlands: Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs - KIVI-NIRIA
Leonardo Energy logo Europe: Leonardo Energy
NEF logo Norway: Norsk Elektroteknisk Forening - NEF
OVE logo Austria: The Österreichischer Verband für Elektrotechnik - ÖVE
PELS logo International: The IEEE Power Electronics Society - PELS
SEE logo France: The Société de l'Electricité, de l'Electronique et des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication - SEE
SEP logo Poland: The Association of Polish Electrical Engineers (Stowarzyszenie Elektrykow Polskich) - SEP
SER logo Sweden: SER - Svenska Elektro- och Dataingenjörers Riksförening
SRBE logo Belgium: The SociétéRoyale Belge des Electriciens - Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging der Elektrotechnici - SRBE-KBVE
TVI logo Belgium: The Technologisch Instituut - Koninklijke Vlaamse Ingenieursvereniging- TI-KVIV
VDE logo Germany: The Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik) - VDE





IEEE logo


PELS logo


Alstom logo

Mitsubishi logo

Star Alliance