Fiche : [DIV361]
Titre : AN1291, M. DI GUARDO, V. MARINO, Clip control of an asynchronous three-phase motor with ST52X420, APPLICATION NOTE, STMicroelectronics, July 2000.
Cité dans : [DIV009] Application Note ST Microelectronics, juillet 2005. Cité dans : [DIV361] AN1291, M. DI GUARDO, V. MARINO, Clip control of an asynchronous three-phase motor with ST52X420, APPLICATION NOTE, STMicroelectronics, July 2000. Cité dans :[DIV359] Cité dans :[DATA246]Auteur : M. Di Guardo
Lien : AN1112.pdf - 33 pages, 858 Ko.
Date : july 2000
Induction motors with squirrel-cage rotors are the workhorse of industry because of their low cost and rug-ged
construction. The aim of this Application Note is to show how to perform the slip control of an AC three-phase
induction motor with ST52x420, in order to obtain minimum input power and maximum efficiency
This type of control can be achieved by adjusting the amplitude of the applied stator voltage versus torque
requirement. Efficiency improvement by voltage control is obtained by reducing the applied voltage when-ever
the torque requirement of the load can be met with less flux.
The reduced motor flux results in a reduction of core and stator copper losses since the magnetization
component of the stator current is reduced as well. However, it is to note that the minimization of the air
gap flux requires a larger slip to produce the torque required if compared with operations at full rated flux.
This application note shows the implementation of the slip control of an aynchronous motor in order to
have energy saving of the global power system, representing a convenient solution to reduce the rotor and
stator copper losses.
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