National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies (IMT-Bucharest)


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The centres of excellence accredited at the national level are:

carre.gif (99 bytes) Laboratory of Microphotonics (in co-operation with PUB), headed by dr. Dana Cristea (;
carre.gif (99 bytes) Laboratory (centre) of Nanotechnologies (under the aegis of the Romanian Academy), dr. Irina Kleps (;
carre.gif (99 bytes) Laboratory of Micromachined Microwave Microstructures and Circuits headed by dr. Alexandru Muller (


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The important international co-operations are:

carre.gif (99 bytes) Participation in research project funded by EC, among which: the ESIS II Romania project (European Survey of the Information Society), co-ordinated by IMT-Bucharest; INCO-COPERNICUS projects (the MESWAVE project is co-ordinated by IMT-Bucharest); projects in FP 5 (REASON, IMPACT, EMERGE);
carre.gif (99 bytes) NATO project and grants;
carre.gif (99 bytes) Project within bilateral agreements with EU countries: Belgium, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden; projects in co-operation with other countries (Switzerland, Hungary etc.);
carre.gif (99 bytes) Co-operation with CERN-Geneva to manufacture radiation detectors;
carre.gif (99 bytes) Participation in networks: co-ordinator of the national network MICRONANOTECH, acknowledged by the European Union and a National Contact Point for Romania of the European Network NEXUS (Network of Excellence in Multifunctional Microelectronics) etc;


purple.gif (104 bytes) High-level education (Ph. D., M. Sc., postgraduate courses) in co-operation with the University "Politehnica" Bucharest. Contact Carmen Moldovan (
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Organizer of the annual international conference CAS (contact and, and of Micromechanics Europe 2002 ( and ). Editing Romanian Journal of Information Science and Techology (Romanian Academy) (contact Daniela Popa at

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Last modify February 22, 2002