Article : [ART606]
Titre : L.-Y. CHIU, B. DIONG, R. S. GEMMEN, An Improved Small-Signal Model of the Dynamic Behavior of PEM Fuel Cells, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 40, NO. 4, JULY/AUGUST 2004, pp. xxx.
Cité dans :[THESE133] B. BIDOGGIA, Etude et réalisation de nouveaux convertisseurs connectant plusieurs sources d'énergies renouvelables au réseau, These de doctorat, septembre 2005 - aout 2008.Auteur : Lu-Ying Chiu
Volume : 40
Numéro : 4
Date : JULY/AUGUST 2004
Pages : 970
Lien : private/01315786.pdf - 8 pages, 321 Ko.
Abstract :
The dynamic behavior of a fuel cell is integral to the
overall stability and performance of the power system formed by
the fuel supply, fuel cell stack, power conditioner, and electrical
load. Present-day fuel cells have transient (dynamic) responses that
are much slower than the responses of the typical power conditioner
and load to which they are attached. This disparity has significant
implications on the overall power system design. In particular,
some form of energy storage with adequate quick charge/discharge
capability is usually needed to provide firm power backup
during electrical load increases. This paper describes an effort to
improve the small-signal modeling of a Proton Exchange Membrane
fuel cell’s dynamic behavior as an initial step toward prescribing
internal design modifications and/or external controller
designs to improve its transient behavior. Such improvements will
allow for reduced energy storage while increasing the number of
suitable storage technology options. Simulation results obtained
from the proposed model are presented along with corresponding
test results, which show generally good agreement with each other
and indicate that this model is to be preferred to another one.
Index-Terms : Dynamic response, Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cells, small-signal model.
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