"q-coherent pairs and q-orthogonal polynomials", 2002.
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Article : [ART317]

Info : COMPENDEX REPONSE 1, le 27/11/2002.

Titre : q-coherent pairs and q-orthogonal polynomials, 2002.

Cité dans : [DIV376]  Recherche sur l'auteur Emmanuel GODOY, septembre 2004.
Auteur : Area, I. (Departamento de Matematica Aplicada Campus Lagoas-Marcosende Universidad de Vigo, 36200 Vigo, Spain)
Auteur : Godoy, E.;
Auteur : Marcellan, F.

Source : Applied Mathematics and Computation (New York) v 128 n 2-3 May 25 2002 2002.p 191-216
ISSN : 0096-3003
Année : 2002
Document_Type : Journal
Treatment_Code : Theoretical
Language : English
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Abstract :
In this paper we introduce the concept of q-coherent pair of linear
functionals. We prove that if (u0,u1) is a q-coherent pair of linear
functionals, then at least one of them has to be a q-classical linear
functional. Moreover, we present the classification of all q-coherent
pairs of positive-definite linear functionals when u0 or u1 is either the
little q-Jacobi linear functional or the little q-Laguerre/Wall linear
functional. Finally, by using limit processes, we recover the
classification of coherent pairs of linear functionals stated by Meijer.

Références : 24 Refs.

Accession_Number : 2002(13):3705 COMPENDEX

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